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The debate of how the world came into being is almost as old as the world itself. There are two different sides of the story each having its own reasons. These two belief systems are extremely different from each other and are based on complete opposite theories. Although there is no proven way to end this debate, but some facts line up and the others don’t.
What is the Creation Theory?
The people who believe in the theory of creation, Creationists, have a belief that the world, and everything in it was made by God according to a proper plan. The entire universe, galaxies and species are created by God. They believe that anything as independent and complex as this can only be created by the power of God. Everything that has ever existed and will ever exist is planned and controlled by God alone.
What is the Evolution Theory?
On the other hand, we have the theory of Evolution. As the name suggests, Evolutionists believe that the world, life and everything ever created was created by chance and is a result of series of chemical reactions that happened at the right place at the right time. They suggest that life started from a single cell amoeba and then adapted, evolved and changed into other species over thousands and millions of years. This evolving of creatures thus created ‘man’ as we now know.
The Debate:
Seeing the totally different viewpoints of the 2 theories, it is only best to weigh out their claims. The evolutionists argue that no one in the entire universe has ever been able to prove that God exists. They believe that to be able to exist, something needs to be professed with any of the 5 senses. They have a methodical and scientific approach on things. So they dispute that if you cannot see, hear, smell, taste or touch God, then he does not exist.
Why I believe in Creation:
I feel that the argument provided by Evolutionists is wrong. This is because we know certainly that there are feelings and emotions that exist without them being able to be perceived by the 5 senses. Yet, everyone believes they exist. Can a scientific approach be applied to the existence of emotions and feelings?
Let’s also take an example from the evolution theory itself. They suggest that each and every animal and living thing has been evolved from a single cell amoeba. So according to science, there should be a crossover between each evolution. For example, if the fish was evolved into an amphibian, shouldn’t there be an animal in between?
There have been no archeological discoveries of any sort that suggest that two animals had some link between them . If what the evolutionists say is true, then there should be millions of cross over species. Yet, we still have not found a single one. This is a major flaw and the reason why I choose the creationists viewpoint.
Another argument which caught my eye was the existence of DNA. Science itself has proven that because of the existence of a specific DNA of each species, there cannot be any intermixing. Even if cells are successful in mutating, the species will not have the ability to live and reproduce and recreate.
Evolutionists allege that everything needs to be measurable and scientifically proven. Yet, most of their claims are denied by science itself. Throughout the different sciences of mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, astronomy, astrology, etc, we see flawless control and balance, intelligence and order.
In a way science and its control strengthens the argument of the Creationists. When creationists say that God created each and every living thing separately and according to a plan, science backs it up by the proof of DNA. If Darwin had known the science behind DNA, then he would never have proposed the theory of evolution in the first place.
Evolution and Creation are often times considered as a debate between religion and science. In my opinion, it is a difference of opinion between belief systems. In both viewpoints, the facts, and subjects are the same. Yet the results are different. The difference in the 2 theories lies between the assumptions of the common man.
There are more proofs and scientific evidence of the Creation theory. In a study conducted by TheBlaze, subjects were asked if they feel that God had created mankind in the current form. Or did mankind evolve? The results were clear answer as to what belief was most followed. 90% people responded that yes, they believed that man was created in the current form.
In another similar poll, 94% people responded that they believed that God did indeed create the world and all that exists in it.
Although the debate continues and there are no signs of an absolute decision, I feel that Darwin’s theory of evolution has many loopholes. The creation theory is more realistic and is backed up by scientific evidence and religious beliefs.
Works Cited
Carpenter, Tom. How to defend creation vs. evolution . 2013. 28 October 2013 <http://www.creationdefense.org/03.htm>.
Hallowell, Billy. EVOLUTION VS. CREATIONISM: DID GOD CREATE HUMANS IN OUR CURRENT FORM? 20 September 2013. 28 October 2013 <http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/09/20/did-mankind-evolve-or-were-humans-created-by-god-in-their-current-form-blaze-readers-weigh-in/>.
United Church of God-International Publication. "Creation or Evolution - Does It Really Matter What You Believe?" 2013. United Church of God. 28 October 2013 <http://www.ucg.org/files/booklets/creation-or-evolution-does-it-really-matter-what-you-believe.pdf>.