Raster data is cell matrix or pixels arranged in terms of rows and columns or grid. The cells of the grid contain information for instance, on temperature. Examples of rasters include; maps, pictures, satellites, imagery among other. Data stored in such format shows phenomena in the real world. Raster data may be used in developing patrol line files and crime data in a case by using aerial photo as a raster (McCauley, 2007).
Repeat incidents happen, when more than one incident happen at the same time. It provides an opportunity for crime analysis and foundation for problem solving. Police for instance, first determines the cause of repeat incidents to understand the nature of the crime. Repeat Incident location report is a report outlining individual incidences happening in at different location. Police prepares the report by giving the exact details of where, when, and how they happened. Repeat Incidence report helps in problem solving. The police use the report in identifying the immediate underlying issues and thereafter begin to look for amicable ways of solving the issues before creating other problems (McCauley, 2007).
Targeted problems create other bigger problems if not solved on time. Other problems include; robbery, rape, theft, terrorism among others. Such crimes require thorough investigations but begin as simple indiscipline cases (McCauley, 2007).
The most important stage of crime analysis is dissemination of results to those whom it concern for them to take the necessary action. If the police for instance, conduct crime analysis of a specific area, the information will not help anything if it is not disseminated to the right people. Office of the public prosecution receives analysis files forwards it to court for prosecution of the suspects. The public also needs education on how to avoid such problems in future (McCauley, 2007).
Crime mapping helps in identifying where suspects of crime live, work, and play therefore helping the police find the exact location of the perpetrators. Second, it identifies the perpetrators comfort zones because most criminals commit crimes in their comfort zones. Crime mapping helps in gathering the necessary resources needed to arrest the perpetrators (McCauley, 2007).
The tactical crime analysis deals with short-term orders seeking to stop what is going on. Strategic crime analysis on the other hand, deals with ongoing as well as long-term issues aiming at identifying crime hot spots and solving target problems. The administrative analysis deals with deployment of police personnel in the areas with high crime rates. The three types of analyses aim at preventing and reducing crime rates (McCauley, 2007).
Calls for service data is not good for studying crime problem for a number of reasons. First, it is impossible to find concrete evidence from such data. The second reason is that nobody among those who request for such services wish to serve as witness in case of a lawsuit. Third, the public may become discouraged in using the service therefore; police should use their own mechanisms in studying a crime (McCauley, 2007).
McCauley, R. P. (2007). Crime analysis. Louisville, Ky: University of Louisville, School of Police Administration.