One major challenge that is brought about by this major shift towards the internet controlled crimes is that it becomes very difficult to trace these criminals via the internet: it is difficult to catch the internet based virtual gangs. These criminals a part from recruiting and conducting mentorship sessions for criminals via the internet, they also advertise the stolen merchandise and sell it via the internet. Once you pay for these highly quality-endangered drugs, you risk loosing lives while the real culprits will never be caught. (Brouwer, G., 23)
Gangsters have developed ways of going past the installed security measures through improved technology where they jam the security systems or disable the alarms before entering their chosen buildings making it hard for the police to catch up with them. A challenge arises where the thugs hide the stolen drugs for a long time to evade the search by law enforcement officers. They then manage to get away with the crime by selling the drugs to other wholesalers and individuals through the internet further complicating the crackdown issue (Weichselbaum, S., 19).
What you have said about the trends in the fight against terrorism is very true: the political class is making it very difficult for these criminals to get caught. Furthermore, fighting drugs related crimes is becoming very expensive as the politicians and law enforcement officers themselves engage in the drug business that has proven to be very lucrative. This act jeopardizes the governments’ efforts in the fight against organized crimes and gangs (Weichselbaum, S., 19).
One question therefore remains, how do we eradicate gangs and organized crimes in this technologically advanced world?
Works Cited
Brouwer, G. Crips, Bloods in the Web hood. Salon 21st. 1999. Retrieved from
Weichselbaum, S., Gangs in New York talk Twitter. New York Daily News. 2009. Retrieved from