In this paperwork, I will be discussing a case presented by Mr. Mark Najma.
Mark was sleeping on the couch on August 1st 2012- at around 1 a.m. He noticed the presence of the law enforcement officers outside his house and this made him to be curious- he opened the door. After opening the door; he came across a policeman at his doorway. The policeman asserted of having a report on a man in somebody’s backyard. Mark promised to contact the law enforcement officers of anything suspicious in the neighborhood. The next day, Mark went to the police so as to get a report. He noticed that his presence made the law enforcement officers to become both agitated and outrageous. He requested for a report and one of the policemen told him that he was not entitled for one- he got a police report about a week later. Mark went to each and every house in the block only to be surprised that the law enforcement officers did not perform a search amongst his fellow people (Bradley Beach, NJ/ Corruption/ violation of the Fourth Amendment, search and seizure, 2012).
Mark realized that the policemen, at Bradley Beach, have no respect for civil liberties- they completely disregard the fourth amendment of the constitution. The fourth amendment makes it clear that each man’s house is protected from awkward searches and seizures of property by the government (Allen, 1985). The law enforcement officers, therefore, must have a search warrant that is, only, issued upon probable cause. Mark notifies the public to be alert of the policemen, since they can be the next victims- if they can come to my house and just disregards my house then they can do the same to yours. Mark promises to reform the law enforcement officers once he becomes the mayor by making sure that these acts; searching a house, or stopping, and frisking people without probable cause does not happen to anybody else at Bradley Beach (Bradley Beach, NJ/ Corruption/ violation of the Fourth Amendment, search and seizure, 2012).
Allen, R.J., & Kuhn’s, R.B.(1985). Constitutional criminal procedure: An examination of the
Fourth, Fifth, and Six Amendments and related areas . Boston: Little, Brown.
Bradley Beach, NJ/ Corruption/ violation of the Fourth Amendment, search and seizure 2012 .
(n. d.). Retrieved March 08, 2016, from