Family Therapy
In most cases, family therapy focuses on issues surrounding the family unit because it remains as a unique social system that has its own structure and patterns of communication. According to family therapists, families are made up of systems that naturally develop rules and interactions that differ from diverse families even though, it eventually affects the psychological health. More significantly, varied rules and interactions each family establishes, develops its own unique personality that remain powerful and affects all of its members. Considerably, the family therapists use either strategic or communication approaches to solve social problems that arise in family units. Considerably, families that undergo therapy and treatment in case of problems focus on their individual symptomatic behaviors that require the use of strategic and communication approaches.
More than often, family therapists propose that psychological problems in families involve circular, recursive events that hinder focus on mutually interpersonal context that develops a family unit. Moreover, families with poor communication have social problems because in such family units, communication remains unclear, indirect, vague, unclear, incomplete and dishonest. As a result, both strategic and communication approaches as forms of family therapy method used are essential in allowing family members solve their own problems as an entire unit.
Strategic therapy is recognized as a mode of mature marriage family therapy that focus on problems rather than growth oriented as it focuses on present problems rather than those that occurred in the past. More so, strategic therapy is considered manipulative and even unethical as it involves externalization of issues that view persons in the family unit as causes of family problems. Its focal point is on defining problems in behavioral terms in brief and extensive descriptions to enhance rapid disengagement. In addition, strategic therapy requires that family members remain responsible for themselves as it enhances positive forces that exist in the family unit and need to be freed to solve family problems. Above all, strategic therapies remain task oriented that is competency based, respectful, empowering as it requires people to be capable of solving their own problems. More significantly, strategic therapy remains vital in issues dealing with mature marriages that involve family problems arising from social conflicts. Strategic therapy allows for solving of problems that involve the parties involved in the marriage.
On the other hand, communication approaches remain as one of the most recommended family therapy as it involves a whole family with a therapist as a family unit. More so, communication approach advocates for openness and intimacy as it involves a verbal approach that gives clear distinctions between mental and physical well-being of the family unit. More so, communication approaches as a form of family therapy focuses on the nature of communication that exists within the general family system and its subsystems. As a result, communication approach advocates for family emphasis on illogical, redundant and confused that hinder communication patterns within a family unit. Considerably, communication approach involves moving a family from dysfunction to functionality as it actively involves helping family members in their communication by becoming more open and frank to each other.
In most cases, families face communication problems in their marriages as they fail to discuss issues that affect them especially in decision-making. As a result, communication approach allows for solving of communication problems as it targets on making families become an open system that involve clear interchange of information and resources as an interactive system that is adaptive and dynamic. Communication approach remains as a suitable form of family therapy that involves moving a family from dysfunction to functionality.