Powerpoint Reviews
Phenomenological Article
- I noticed that your Abstract only described the method and not the results of the study. Can you explain why your Abstract is written this way? Do you think that when someone wants to get a gist of a study or research, they would be interested only in the methods?
- You indicated that the participation was voluntary, yet you also cited that emails were sent by the researchers to obtain a sample for a study. Don’t you think this is through solicitation rather than voluntary? Can you please differentiate voluntary participation over one that’s conducted via solicitation or invitation?
- You stated that “Interviews determined that all participants experienced some culture shock but that arts related students who had more interpersonal interaction in English among peers were able to deal with the acculturation process in a more positive way.” Would you say that this result was indicated only by the interviews and not by both the quantitative and the qualitative methods that were used?
Ethnographic Article
- You seem to imply that shared ethnographic research is more for the researcher’s benefit, that is, it will be more comfortable for the researcher and the researcher will find it easier to interpret the participants’ behavior. You didn’t mention the benefits for the participants. Would you agree that it has benefits for the participants, too? If yes, which one would be more important – the benefits for the researcher or the benefits for the participant? Why?
- Since the primary source for data was reflective journals where the word “reflective” would indicate subjectivity, ” how can you justify the validity of shared ethnography as a research method?
- In the short summary of results, I think that you mostly provided the situations or the conditions around which the study was conducted rather than on the findings, which would pertain more to the meanings or implications of the results. That said, can you please describe what the results of the study were?
- Do you think the results would have been the same if the researcher was White?
Presentation with No Article
- The problem statement is stated in a way that it seems to already be answering itself. What does the research aim to solve or what research question does it aim to answer?
There are some errors in the way that the references are written. Particularly, there should be no “p.” preceding the page numbers. The year for the second reference is written incorrectly and there are two consecutive commas somewhere in the third reference. The volume number and issue number for the second reference is also written incorrectly.
- Question #1 is not stated as a question. It is stated more in an explanatory or informative manner.
- The research design involves gaining an understanding of the participants’ cognitive behavior and Research Question #2 aims to find out the best strategies that will help students improve their literacy and math skills. However, these strategies don’t seem to be a part of the research design.
- The data collection methods do not include reference to any teaching strategy. What exactly will be collected and observed? How will the collected data provide answers to the research questions?