The Chinese culture is deeply rooted and has managed to prevail in the changing world for thousands of year. Feng shui art for instance can be dated back to 4000 years ago; it has a history as intricate as its tradition (Yuan, 8). Feng shui came to be as a result of scientific philosophical tradition. In the past years feng shui was used in different structures and sites like graves, temples and palaces. As time passed on it has become a fading culture and heritage used in modern buildings and for beauty purposes. It is one of Chinese oldest art of architecture that is intangible. Some people believe that feng shui is magic; it is time tested solutions and collected practical fundamental properties that introduce element to the environment they inhabit. It is an art used to make life better. Feng shui art links Chinese people to their past, present and later days culturally. The medium used promotes rich Chinese culture and promotes a sense of belonging for the Chinese people (Eitel 1).
Chinese traditions and cultures are a part of their lifestyle. They form an integral part in their day to day lives starting with the rich values they hold. Every culture is unique and has its own strengths and impact to the world. The cultures that maintain their original values form a unique platform for others to emulate and live like them of Chinese culture. Some end up borrowing the culture and emulate other people losing their sense of origin. Values translate to how people behave, relate, interact and carry out their daily activities. The behavior of different cultures results to personality and a sense identity. For instance we are able to identify Chinese people from the way they dress, eat and relate (Yuan, 8).
When an individual becomes part of a given culture either through birth or lifestyle, you are expected to behave like the tradition. Cultures share common sets of values and are expected to abide by them lest the culture losses its identity. Maintaining values and norms help people to live harmoniously and respect each other. Recognizing that there are different cultures and respecting people is imperative to good relations. Since we live in a diverse world we need to keep borrowing ideas from other cultures and improve on our cultures. Understanding the values of people is one way of learning how our cultures vary from those of others. This also encourages interrelations and exchange of cultures where different people are able to exchange unique cultures for their own benefit.
The contemporary world is diffused and made up of many different cultures, each unique in its own way. China for instance is well renowned for feng shui, an ancient Chinese art. It involves the physical part which entails beautifying the buildings through architecture and design as well as the spiritual feng shui which is the internal process of changing from an individual within (spiritual being). Chinese art differs from that of the contemporary world greatly. Its unique architecture and color pattern use is something admirable. Traditional Chinese world view has relevance to the contemporary world as an art and has influenced the modern architectural designs. Apart from the architecture, Chinese dress code and fabrics are unique and a piece of art that adds value to the fashion industry. Chinese people are richly endowed culturally.
Works cited
Eitel, E. J. Feng-Shui. 1973. Kingston Press.
Yuan Ding, Fengshui: the fading Landscape of Chinese Cities and cultural Heritage Sites. New York: 44th ISOCARP Congress, 2008.