Assignment #1
Assignment #1
Its main drive is to help one evaluate their own behaviour in a different perspective from how people may judge them or even they themselves may judge others.
The basic knowledge that passes across in this article is the commonly known self concept. Self concept refers to how we see perceive or feel about ourselves and how we react to different scenarios.
Broadly speaking self concept plays a greater role in manager development. Manager development refers growth of various attributes that dictates ones future character. This in effect affects ones reaction to various happenings and making judgements over the matters at hand. Judgement of final ruling depends upon the inner self. In fact it is hard to change the inner aspects of a person apart from maybe helping them know themselves when in a situation.
Self concept is also a driver to behaviour change. Different environments and situations in life demand for a change and adoption of new behaviours. Behaviour change is greatly affected by the ability to detect change. Changes in life are inevitable. Hence the ability to carry these changes is of vital importance.
It is of vital importance to note that self concept leads to reliability in judgement. This is physically depicted in their external dealings with the subjects. Understanding ourselves also solves conflicts regarding self concept. Problems associated with this are depression stress and so on.
Personal effectiveness is another attribute of understanding one self. Understanding oneself helps to reduce the disparities in perception which would have otherwise reduced the performance of a person maybe holding public offices.
This article is not just an article but also a moral lesson. Understanding my inner-self has assisted me in evaluating my relationship with people and how I should interact in a more professional way at least to have the power of majority and in the right manner. Self concept is a driver that enables me to have self confidence. The greatest of all achievements is believing in one self and the weight placed in having a focus that everyone can believe in. This article provides a source for all this and deserves the right to be followed.
Again it is out of understanding the concept of inner-self that one develops a power to convince without fear or favour. With the concept one is flexible to change with changes that may arise from people’s reactions toward certain issues that may arise from the effort of conviction. In other words knowing oneself is a best defines the need of psychology in life.