Article Review
Weinert, Chiotellis and Seliger authored the article “Methodology for Planning and Operating Energy-Efficient Production Systems”. It focuses on the production goals of organizations with the intention of shedding light on the specific determinants that promote operational sustainability (Weinert 41). In the paper, a methodology for the accurate prediction of operational energy consumption is provided. Such methodology is aligned to the business functions of production systems. Further, this paper uses an example to substantiate its claims. The manufacturing process of a swash plate expander provides a plausible template with which readers may comprehend the concept of production systems. The article is objective to the subject of energy consumption in organizational production systems: it presents ideas with significant brevity and consistency.
The main purpose of this article is to form a bridge between the planning and production processes that typify the operational goals of an organization. The methodology applied in this paper creates an integration between energy-efficient frameworks with decision-making processes (Weinert 43). This method is based on the compartmentalization of production processes into operational units that possess particular energy consumption attributes. The result obtained through the study creates an emphasis on the need to apply system-wide approaches in the execution of organizational plans. Such initiatives should aim at giving accurate accounts concerning the energy consumption patterns of machines. The application of EnergyBlocks would go a long way in ensuring the sustainability of a company’s energy management system.
The article is relevant to current production goals. The global economy depends on the sustainability of production systems in industries. This is due to concerns about the longevity of natural resources that provided industrial raw materials. With the recommendations presented by the paper, the challenge of resource consumption is approached accordingly.
Works Cited
Weinert, Nils, Stylianos Chiotellis, and Günther Seliger. "Methodology for planning and operating energy-efficient production systems." CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology 60.1 (2011): 41-44.