The articles all contain a common theme of development and appreciation of landscape architecture. They interconnect smoothly to bring out the final theme and appear to be from the same ideas. In this way, they form a long road leading to landscape design and architecture appreciation. The road itself is landscape architecture and design development. So as to have a clear illumination on the, let us analyze each article and then show their connection.
Looking deeper into Meyer’s article, she tries to bring out the idea of using the known ideas and landscape designs to come up with new sophisticated designs that depicts greater synthesis and understanding of landscape design. In her illustrations of how to draw the ideas of the past to frame the future, the author appears to be nostalgic and happy with what the past in landscape architecture. In my opinion, the author has succeeded in showing the connection between the past simple landscape architecture and the new sophisticated landscape architecture. By this, she clears illustrates the evolution of landscape architecture and development in architecture sector as a whole.
Turning and tuning our attention to Susan’s article, the idea of landscape appreciation comes out clearly in the article. She illustrates this by using photographs to depict the architecture. In the article, she insists that aerial photographs are part of picturesque aesthetics and should be considered positively. She gives several reasons as to why aerial photographs are part of picturesque. In her opinion, she believes that aerial photographs depict the reality about a landscape. On my opinion, I tend to agree with her since even from geography and map work, aerial photographs are defined as the best option to consider while in need of learning about landscape architecture. They appear too real to doubt.
Lastly into Krog’s article, the article begins with a rhetorical question. The question paraphrased in a better version questions the connection between art and landscape architecture. He uses several illustrations in attempt to explain this question and depict the most suitable answer. The article appears to dwell mush more on the connection between landscape architecture and art. He believes that it is an art but since art are creations of the brain, whose art is this? The article tries to the level best to depict landscape architecture as an art which in my opinion is well described.
Looking at the connection between the three articles, the main theme of the three appears to be landscape appreciation. Considering Krog’s idea, landscape is what we hold about it in our minds. An art is a creation of the mind thus since the articles do not infer ideas from metaphysics or religion, then the idea is in our brains. By our brain evolution and development to enable us view ideas from different perspectives. Therefore, our perspective of landscape architecture also evolves. Our evolved ideas are depicted by the designs we create on the landscape. This is the main idea in Meyer’s article. After modernization and we want save the ideal image of the modern landscape architecture, we use photographs. These photographs emphasize on different issues thus in landscape design, the best to use is aerial photographs. This is the main idea in Susan’s article.
In conclusion, articles can be said to be well equipped with the idea of landscape architecture evolution and appreciation. They interconnect smoothly and all contribute towards development and appreciation of landscape design.