Cyber security
Cyber security focuses on protecting the information, network, data and programs stored in the computer from unexpected or intended interferences, known as cybercrime.
Prevent, detect, respond, control, and deter attacks
Prevention is always the best way to solve a problem. For cyber security, updating softwares and using a business class antivirus which is complete and up to date to scanning the computer on regular basis keeps the system protected, as well as, creating an upper hand for the user.
Detection that involves taking measures like system auditing by an IT expert is the most important approach. This helps to detect signs like, slow command activation, undirected commands taking place and software malfunction.
Response: Once insecurity is noted in the system, the first step to take is to change the codes and passwords used to access the system in order to avoid unauthorized login. Nessus is scanning software, which tells the system’s administrator of the areas that are easily vulnerable to cyber insecurity. Though it does not protect the system from cybercrime, Nessus is able to scan the entire system and notify the user of the likelihood of the attack.
Anti-Virus Policies for Operational Systems
An anti-virus is a software that protects and scans the operating system, with an advantage of safeguarding the system from any malicious programs. The software protects the operating system by repairing the infected file or data, deleting it completely or blocking it from any access. Alternatively, the file is stored in safe mode, called spam, in a way that it cannot course any harm to the system. Malware is one of the viruses that is harmful since it eats up the data stored in the system causing a breakdown of the network in the corporate world. Removal from the system through automatic deletion may cause the system to the since some deleted files might be part of the operating system’s boot files.
Amoroso, E. G. (2007). Cyber security. New Jersey: Summit.
Forbes. (2013, augast 28). Retrieved june 29, 2014, from enterprenuers: