Daniel 12 is a scripture that talks about the end times when Michael, who is a great priest and a protector of the society, will arise. During the time, the righteous people will ascend to heaven and the wicked ones will descend to hell.
The idea of resurrection and judgment is seen from the time the man dressed in linen and standing above the water lifts his hands facing heaven and swears by the ones who lives forever (Kralik). The man says “it will be for a diminutive period, and when the command of holy populaces lastly brakes, all the things will be finalized.” In the sentence, it is clear that after a while the order of the world will change such that the holy people will be dead but after a while, all the challenges will be finished, and they will resurrect and go to heaven.
Resurrection is evident in Romans 8, which says if a person has the spirit of the one who raised Jesus, the individual will receive life to his or her mortal body through the Spirit, which is in the person. It is clear that there is a resurrection for the righteous people same way it happened to Jesus. In John 6:54, it is written that the individual who enjoys my flesh and thirst-quenches from my blood shall have eternal life, since they will be raised on the judgment day. Evidence of resurrection is shown since the people who trusts in the Lord are promised eternity after their death and judgment.
According to the Biblical scriptures, resurrection is real (Jacobsen) and the people to receive eternal life are the holy and righteous ones while the wicked ones will be taken to eternal suffering.
Work Cited
Jacobsen, David Schnasa. "Brian K. Blount, Invasion of the Dead: Preaching Resurrection". HMLTC 39.2 (2015): n. pag. Web.
Kralik, Emil. The Resurrection of The Dead in Dan 12:1-3. 2001. Print.