Dark Age was named so based on its historical positioning at a time when no records existed at all. This period was characterized by deeper emphasis on the economic and cultural deterioration and decline in the Roman kingdom. During this time, only but scanty evidence captured the archeological survival. The dark ages derives its name definition based on the concept founded during the intellectual darkness period. This was a period that closely followed the collapse of the West Europe Empire. The term Dark Age was initially intended to signify the whole span between the collapse of the Renaissance and of Rome.
In the Dark Age period, there were scanty written as well as other records. In regard to its historical background, the Dark Age era had an obscure approach. The people were used to servicing the Europeans with substantial historical knowledge. Based on the academic concepts of the time, Dark Age was characterized by informal institutional structures. Capitalizing on the lack of written records, learning could not be based on the reading and writing approach. Much work was done through the apprenticeship practice on more of manual based learning.
The name Dark Age symbolically referred to dark intellectual era alongside other sensitive sectors in the Roman Empire. There was no any form of learning during the Dark Age due to lack of proper documentation at the time. Even though the current scholars are interested in coming up with possible ways of understanding the era, it has not been clearly revealed. The Dark Age still remains unknown by scholars. Capitalizing on accurate learning ground, Dark Age has consistently discouraged any proper learning except for minor archeological approach to history.
Work cited
Gibbon, Edward. The History of the fall of Roman Empire, Vol. 6, Ch. XXXVII, paragraph 619. 1788