Descartes philosophical writings were as controversial as his personality. In the perfect certainty project Descartes uses letters to make a representation of his thoughts. In the case he puts emphasis on the existence of God. In which he argues on both hands of His existence on one side he tries to emphasize on the fact that the angels represented on the triangle are equal. In order to come to this conclusion Descartes uses mathematics as part of his comfort. Descartes philosophy was highly respected and many were peculiar of his kind of imagination. It is the integration of religion on this project that both confuses and intrigues. The project involves Descartes playing the role of a fictitious person- the demons advocate who believes that his senses are deceptive and that his mind is poorly designed. Descartes regards his belief that P as perfectly certain only if he can persuade the demons advocate that P is true.
Descartes philosophical knowledge and the use of mathematics to deduct and explain his thinking were a critical in his knowledge. In the perfect certainty project Descartes aim is captured “I shall have the right to conceive high hopes if am happy enough to discover one thing only which is certain and indubitable”. This shows that Descartes believes would stand as fixed, pivotal, Archimedean point on which all the rest of his knowledge would stand. Descartes project infuses a thirst for knowledge as it experiences an argument that is well acquitted in the rest of the people. Religion is very controversial and as Descartes argues it out he tends to confuse the reader by involving conversations and arguments. Descartes having lost the medieval certainties’ of religious faith, his modern mind seems to have found comfort in mathematical proofs.
It is significant to note that Descartes conviction that his quest will be conducted in a private, introspective examination of the contents of his own mind. This may be interpreted to show that he was a loner and desired only their knowledge. Not only is the quest for certain knowledge and independent one, undertaken separately by each rational being, but it is a journey of reason alone unassisted by the senses. For Descartes believed that sensory experiences had the effect of distracting reason from proper course. Such knowledge claims depicted by Descartes carry implicit beliefs not only about would be knower’s but also the knowledge that is amenable to philosophical analysis. This knowledge set by Descartes is imposed through the existence of the philosophical analysis created to examine certain beliefs. In his work in perfect certainty he briefly discusses and withdraws from argument by offering conclusions. This way he is truly a philosophical man who understands his knowledge alone. The use of the philosophical theory to those who may not understand it becomes unfair and thus belief in his work becomes much harder. This is set in that the use of the letters describing objects or people can be termed as been a parable.
Reflection of the study
His works depict two sides of everyone’s personality each of us have two voices the voice that demands logic and the one that explicit the use of facts which is reason. These two parts are what connect each other on conversations between two people in which two factors are relayed. In the case of Descartes the voice of reason lay in the dreaming part which was his good part. The argument in most of the articles examines the position of religion in which he bluntly argues on logic other than reason. This shows blasphemy and the lack of control on his part attacking something that may probably not exude the same discussion on this part. In this case it is a battle between two parts of the brain the conscious and the subconscious.
On the other hand there is the skeptism of knowledge when discussing two varying discussions. Characters are put in place one position and letting their reason work for them. This could be deduced from the following arguments of premise 1, 2 and 3. The conclusion varies from different conversations in premise 1 and 2 been of similar knowledge as they connect in one way or the other. In the conclusion of the discussion all of them have different views and is viewed on the many occasions on the fact they all have different backgrounds and reflections on the same topic. When evaluating Descartes project it brings forward reasons for a fulfillment of the different and existing features.
The perfect certainty creates a world of right and wrong and in this case controlling both the sides on this theory. Accepting this fact provides typical existence and expressing reason depending on the different sources. In the real life situations people may use this as an aspect to evaluate their lives and express their own opinion and examine the different aspects that he puts in his theory. The theory and process of getting beliefs into the foundation are entirely different and this makes the understanding of the theory simpler. Providing reason on this perfect knowledge shows more impact on the lives of many.
Personality in the certainty project is exuded when he uses the complete and possible use of the different sayings and prevents the use harsh words on life. Such values in such a case should be upheld and exist in different and conscious ways so as to examine on the existence of such knowledge. As assumed in the project the battle between good and bad is still a growing trend even in the new society and many people try to evade such issues by carefully looking into their many options. With this reason in the project the provision of certainty is a versatile aspect according to Descartes and this involves more of reason that is capable and highly, maintained to make it easier to understand. In cases where forces of bad are much bigger than good ones it becomes unethical to provision such as this. Descartes maintains a cool nature and even when criticized by other philosophers his knowledge which is internal keeps him above per in every way.
Reason and logic are two parts and can both be of the same discussion but in two ways. This is considered when conflicting personalities find themselves explaining the same aspect from different angles. The argument in Descartes is of human understanding are his views a bad idea well, arguing about religion and passing on information that is detrimental to such an occasion is critical. Criticism of knowledge from his own work assumes that he believed that his knowledge was enough and that those of who had an opinion must understand this aspect. Knowledge is key value in all his studies and this makes it critical when dealing with his work. His work portrays a time when religion was facing a lot of opposition and this work revolutionized religion as it is. Critics express their anger upon his work but by painting a plainer picture of the depiction of religion Descartes remains in history to be well known in the fight for better beliefs in religion.
The argument of perfection resonates in his work the thought of been a perfect being is clear as he describes God and concludes him as a perfect being. This poses many questions on the part that we ask are we perfect beings. What would be his description of the world at this time? This question lingers in our minds but is not truly answered. He puts across certain areas that are of scholastic argument making it clear that the idea of perfection may end up as just an idea. His notion cannot be fully exploited and reiterates in most of his other teachings. From his critics a new order of cause and effect is introduced this will mean that logic and reason will be affected. A scholar by the name Hume discusses the cause and effect theory in which he explains that, the foundations of our reasoning’s and conclusions concern the relations of cause and effect and give a distinct and simple answer experience. This he defends by stating that entirely reasonable ones require logical ideas to provide knowledge of facts. The argument presented by Descartes holds of a ‘perfect world’ is executed in a rather basic knowledge and believing so is considered as pragmatic. Believing that each being is imperfect is ridiculous this disengages the apect of the said control of each concept. Religion is sacred and his argument exudes the more important issue of God been the most high defining Him as the Perfect being in his conclusion. My opinion is well directed that we cannot have a perfect world but we can become a perfect people. This showed in the passage as he describes himself as incomplete and dependent being one of the arguments reiterated from third mediation.
Work cited
Rubin, Ronald. Silencing the Demon's Advocate: The Strategy of Descartes' Meditations. stanford university, 2008.