John Q. Student
Designing a Research
- Review: Academic Excellence in 140 characters
- Research Method: Experiment
- Hypothesis: Using Social Networking Sites can enhance a student’s activity, participation, and interaction with other students in class.
- Subjects: 125 First Year Students
- Control Group: Yes (55 students)
e. Variables:
1. Independent – usage of twitter for the experimental group
2. Dependent –enhancement in activity, participation and interaction with professors and peers
f. Research Design:
The research was conducted using a qualitative design where a common reading was provided and discussed. The professors interacted with the students on Twitter regarding the discussions as well as the students with each other. Twitter was also used to send reminders about exams and setting possible study groups. Selected students were asked to provide their feedback through an interview as presented in the video of the study.
g. Summarize the findings:
Students in the Twitter group had increased in engagement (participation and activity) in the online discussion resulting in an increase in their averaged GPA of 0.5. This proves that social networking and technologies can help students improve in terms of academics. (Junco) With further research on things like social networks that has been brought about by technology, there is a possibility of improving ways in which students can learn.
- Simple Hypothesis: Kids whose parents are in jail also end up in jail.
- Describe how the research can be conducted
- Naturalistic Observation: Research on children who have convicted parents and observe them in their daily environment; how they react to others, interact, certain peculiar behaviors, etc.
- Survey Research: Conduct interviews following the survey format to these children of convicts. Formulate questions which can gauge certain peculiarities in behavior possibly leading to future crimes leading to imprisonment.
- Correlational Research: Examine and observe two variables; first of which is a regular convict who has committed crimes sanctioned for imprisonment and second, a child of a convict (not necessarily the child of the first subject) and compare similarities and differences between observations. The means which these will be determined will be through interviews and observations of that person in his/her regular environment.
Junco, R. (Director). (2010). Academic Excellence in 140 characters [Motion Picture].