One of the latest innovations in the healthcare profession is the advancements when it comes to the technologies and computer devices utilized in healthcare institutions like clinics, hospitals, and health centers. The most popular innovation that was the bar-coded innovation of medications to patients. This innovation was developed to help in the reduction of the prevalence of medication errors in the field of nursing. It is especially useful for elderly patients since they are one of the groups classified as high risk patients. Ever since, the administration of medicine have always been a critical part of taking care of patients. Medication errors may not only affect the health of the patients but also the trust between the patient and the professional and the increase in the cost of healthcare. Thus, by applying barcodes correctly, medication errors have been proven to be decreased (Sutherland, 2013).
The theory applied in the current innovational changes in the technological field of healthcare is the change management theory. The change management theory have been discussed by Lewin using his force field model. Lewin stated that the changes that occur was due to the imbalance of the different forces, whether driving forces or restraining forces (Lewin, 1951). The change management theory can be applied by following three steps: unfreezing stage, moving stage, refreezing stage (Kaminski, 2000). For the experience stated earlier, the unfreezing stage involves identification of the key players that are vital to the assessment of the changes that have been experienced. On the other hand, moving stage is the step where the changes in the nursing practice occur. It is the step wherein key players and other factors have been studied and assessed to support the change. Lastly, refreezing stage involves visible evidences and support that the desired change was attained by the institution. The change will be assess and evaluated to determine the stability of the change especially within the practice (Sutherland, 2013).
For the application of the bar-coded administration system, the implementation of the change or the system in the field of nursing practice is considered as the unfreezing stage of the theory. Included in this stage is the identification of the key players directly involved in the successful adaptation of the change namely the nurses, managers, and the administrators of the system. The discussion about the different factors that led to the development of the change in the medication delivery system was participated by the different key players. Some of the possible barriers to the successful accomplishment and adaptation of change in this situation are the resistance of the staff to learn and use the new technology, inadequate computer literacy and experience, and dislike of adapting new system. On the other hand, the moving stage includes the planning and adaptation of the system. The change in the medication delivery will affect all of the departments since patients from these departments all require medication. Thus, it is important that the key players have open communication and trust to be able to evaluate and assess the change correctly. Lastly, the refreezing stage is the step where the bar-coded medication delivery will be assessed and evaluated. The assessment of the change in the system will provide evidences and assurance that the change is stable and key players are comfortable with the innovations of technology (Sutherland, 2013).
Kaminski, J. (2000). Leadership and Change Management: Navigating the Turbulent Frontier. Nursing Informatics: Learning Center. Retrieved from [Accessed on 10 Jan 2016].
Lewin, K. (1951). Field Theory in Social Science. New York: Harper & Row.
Sutherland, K. (2013). Applying Lewin’s Change Management Theory to the Implementation of Bar-Coded Medication Administration. Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics 8 (1).