1. The Development Perception: Sensory learning, Auditory-hearing, Tactile-touching, Sight-seeing, Smell, Taste
- What are the guidelines for nurturing optimal brain growth? How brain maturation is linked sensory development? According to Willis and Riccuiti “Play in developmental experiences is an integral part of the infant's daily experience, occur naturally in interactions with the world” (Stancoe.Org, n.d.). An infant early nurturing and positive guidance creates a bond of love and care between parent and a child which enable a child to develop attachment, active involvement with people, exploring new skills, ability to remember and development of good personality. Brain maturation is linked through sensory development when infants changing behavior is the direct consequence in the brain development as controlling large muscles like crawling, lifting head and reaching the object and grasping are vital example of motor and sensory development of a child.
- Please describe ways to foster Motor Development. How is Motor Development related to brain development? Ways to foster Motor Development are pushing and pulling toys, climbing and balancing, Running and Jumping, throwing and catching activities help motor development. Controlling large muscles like crawling, lifting head we can relate motor development with brain development. Motor development is related to brain development for case of new born baby to 2 month old Vision of a new born baby's sight is restricted to 9-12 inches length to track objects and after a month her vision remains limited however he can focus and distinguish object's color or shapes about a foot away. Crying is from birth to 2 months, a baby testing her vocal chords by crying, squeaking and snorting in order to relate sounds to their sources. Hearing for a new born baby can notice different voices around him and acknowledge by moving his head or eyes even though an infant can hear mother voice in the womb. Feeding a two month baby needs five or more time feeding and 14 hours or more sleeping. At this age, breastfeeding helps rapidly growth of an infant's brain and weight. Touch from birth an infant has ability to sense of touching and responses instantly when touch her mouth womb and feet particularly.
- Description of one age group, one aspect of brain development for that age group, and one question followed with the answer. From age group of 2 month baby crying is one way of the baby to get the attention of the adult. Baby often cries when they feel uneasy over something like peeing. Upon hearing the baby cry, the adult will try to get the baby’s attention and asked the baby, what was wrong? The baby usually responds by moving his head, squeaking to connect the sound to the sources. When the adult touches the diaper, he or she may find it wet because the baby pee and afterwards the baby will stop crying and smile.
2. Cognitive Development
- Discuss Piaget’s stages of cognitive development in terms of activities with two year olds. (Stages 6-new means through mental combinations) Sensorimotor Stage is an infant develop ability to distinguish herself and object (color or shape). Preoperational stage this is where development of concepts and physical situation happens. Concrete operation is the stage for the development of reasonable configuration that describe her physical experience and lastly, Formal Operation is when no concrete experience required for judgments, capable to understand the situation like an adult.
Distance and perspective is learned by an infant when they are trying to reach an object of interest and miscues to get it. Given a simple puzzle and fitting the pieces into spaces by putting together creates this opportunity for them to appreciate space. Infants trying to crossed or walk along furniture gives them understanding of gravity and balance. Rolling in the floor tells them space and boundaries. The faking expression, showing of various facial reactions, producing sounds, all of these acts when adopted, one can observed when an infant did the same thing it is done sequentially in a way developing an infant reasoning skills and language. Adopting the adult action by an infant resulted to a positive response and build connections (Scott-Little, 2008).
3. Community Care Licensing
4. Curriculum as Care Giving – The RIE Philosophy
- The ten principles based on Philosophy of respect. The 10 philosophical respect of RIE stated that (Blogger, 2011) first, every infants and toddlers should have active participation in anything that they get involved into. Avoid distraction for them to get the tasked immediately done. Let them be and active participants and not to be a passive receiver in any actions. Second, it is important to give time to infants this is where their sense of trust and intimacy can best be improved during care giving routinely. Third, pick up each child’s sole ways of connecting by crying, sounds produce, movements, gestures, facial expressions, body positions and allow them to absorb yours. Children have the capacity to communicate verbally even minimal way. Fourth, it is important to endow in time and energy to shape up a total person the “whole child.” Not just focus on the reasoning improvement alone or rather see it as distinct from overall change. Fifth, give full concentration to a child and fulfilling their requirements at first place. Sixth, Your attention and towards infants should be honest. Seventh, explain things precisely and politely. Eight, provide freedom to solve questions by their own and monitoring their activities to protect them. Nine build trust by providing assistance when needed and lastly, allow the child developed on his own capacity and for he will be able to reach the stage of ground breaking eventually.
- The Three R’s refers to Relaxation, Rhythm and Ritual.
- How does the RIE philosophy relate to your own personal philosophy on what is the best for infants and toddlers? From personal experienced I had this nephew age of 2, when it comes to verbal communication she produces few words. We always eat together, I teach her how to pray before meals, as soon as development skills occurs through time her verbal skills slowly showing some improvement by way of communicating she uses her unique way to easily learn the language. Respect is the main thought of R.I.E. Philosophy. Respect is a detail thing it is not often associated with infants and toddlers. Infants were treated by caregivers as human, treated with respect and for some cases when the child pee, the caregiver talks to the infant and telling the infant that he will change his diapers and not treating the child like a doll. Respecting the concerned about the quality of development in each stage. Don’t rush infants and toddlers to reach developmental milestones. Infant has the capacity to do step by step the things they wanted to learn. When adult put the infant in situation that he is not familiar with, infant tends to adjust slowly and take the opportune to practice the skill shown until he learned how to do it on his own. Various programs allows infants to roam and move freely and allowing them to experience space. Infant maximize space in such a way of they do it in their own without being dependent on the adult present around them. It is required and very significant that caregiver give one-on-one attention to infants when feeding or changing of diapers routines. Part of this curriculum is the quality of learning. Giving the baby signals by asking or telling the infant the plan movement before doing the action. In this way, the infant will be able to anticipate or create in his mind what will happen next and this will built up trust in its environment settings.
We that the most critical stage of toddler is during the first three years of his life in which development is very crucial and needs a very strong attention to be able to cope up with the learning process. Studies shows that children who found trust among adults tend to show warmness, more responsive and becoming more caring adult. The first common attachment being developed is the relationship between the parent and the infant. In which this kind of attachment challenges the caregiver of how she can also win the infant’s trust. The trust between caregivers and infant is built during the routines and this will refuel the emotional development and empower the child’s sense of trust and security. It is required for caregivers to achieved trust and be consistent enough to understand the toddlers needs. The Self-Confident Baby by Magda Gerber and Allison Johnson is one material that provides more information about R.I.E. Other information needed can be requested and open for any comments and suggestion regarding family care services.
5. Play as curriculum – Chapter 3 and 4
- Define the caregiver’s role in supporting infants and toddlers in their play. Caregiver role in supporting infants arrange a better and safe environment to play, reassuring cooperation and then stepping back, be a foundation to help them and support to solve their queries, and monitoring their activities.
- Please define the following (pg. 49)
- A primary care giving system. For the primary care giving system, this gives infants freedom, assist them to preserve their particular interest and provide them better and useful resources.
- Continuity of Care. In Continuity of Care, it is an important strategy to build a strong relationship with a child and toddler in care so they feel secure and confident. For that purpose make sure following points. Identify a primary caregiver, arrange the caregiver's schedule according to the need and schedule of a child, organize caregiver assignments, ensuring an infant feels happy with caregiver so they can remain together with several years, experiencing less stress because it is fun for a child to be with someone they know and feel connected to, maintain an open communication, be involved in meaningful activities and track development and lastly group care, a child can live with ease in group care (Copple, 2009).
Columbia, B. (2007, December 10). Director of Licensing Standards of Practice Safe Play
Space. Retrieved from Child Care: http://www.health.gov.bc.ca/ccf/pdf/Safe_Play_Space.pdf
Columbia, B. (2008, July 9). Director of Licensing Standards of Practice Family Child Care.
Retrieved from Child Care: http://www.health.gov.bc.ca/ccf/pdf/SoP_Family_Child_Care.pdf
Columbia, B. (2013). Child Care. Retrieved from Ministry of Health:
Scott-Little, C. (2008, February). Inside the Content of Infant-ToddlerEarly Learning
Guidelines:Results from Analyses, Issues to Consider, and Recommendations. Retrieved fromccf.tc.columbia.edu:http://ccf.tc.columbia.edu/pdf/Inside%20the%20Content%20of%20Infant-Toddler%20ELGs-Full%20Report.pdf
Stancoe.Org. (n.d.). Office of Education. Retrieved from Stanislaus County:
The Program for Infant/Toddler Caregivers, W. C. (1991). Discoveries of Infancy: Cognitive
Development and Learning [Video]. SUPPORTING MATERIAL: A Guide to Cognitive Development and Learning; Trainer's Manual Module III - Learning and Development. Retrieved from CLAS Culturally and Liguistically Appropriate Services: http://clas.uiuc.edu/fulltext/cl03256/cl03256.html
Thing, C. P. (Director). (1997). Spaces for Children [Motion Picture].