Engineering technology as a major is totally aligned with the interest, values and support of the enterprising occupations. The enterprising occupations demand high level of professionalism and determination in order to develop and maintain expertise in the field and so is the case with the student’s personality. The personality reflected in the feedback is clearly of professional in nature which depicts that the enterprise occupations are the best choice in order to pursue career in engineering technology. Considering the answers given in the feedback, most of these are in a well structured manner describing a personality with clear vision. Such synchronized level of thoughts clearly shows perfect alignment of defined goals and plans.
How clear are my preferences?
The preferences mentioned in the feedback are very much clear and visible as there is a clear guidance from the parents since they also hold professional degrees. Furthermore, the choosing of major at the undergraduate level is a healthy indicator of pursuance of studies as compared to regular undergraduate program. Similar is the case about the determination in setting goals that choosing majors at undergraduate level means that the student has already quite clear preferences about his/her professional future. The plans of graduation in year 2015 also should clarity of preferences and planning in the academics as well as professional career of the student. The clarity of preferences is mainly from the guidance of the individual’s parents since they also hold professional degrees. If they have not guided the individual student even then they have at least inspired him/her to pursue his academics by acquiring professional degree.
Where do you tend to focus my energy – inward or outward?
The inward focus of energy relates to setting aims and objective and bringing clarity in preferences while for focusing energy in outward means to improve the academics and professional expertise through giving more time and practicing .
The tendency of focusing the energy should be outward in this case since the student has quite clear preferences about his/her professional goals are concerns. By focusing the energy inward may bring conflicting situations for the student in which he or she might get confused in changing the majors etc. On the other hand, if all the energy is focused outward then the student will improve his/her academics and professional expertise while keeping a clear direction of professional objectives.
How can this help me in my future endeavors?
The future plans are the most crucial part of a student at undergraduate level due to the fact that a student chooses his/her majors during undergraduate programs. Choosing a major involves defining the future plans for almost rest of the life in terms of professionalism .
Works Cited
Rankin, Elizabeth. The work of writing: insights and strategies for academics and professionals. Hoboken: Jossey-Bass, 2001.
Winnie Cheng, Kenneth C.C. Kong. Professional Communication: Collaboration between Academics and Practitioners. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2009.