HSV 260
What is the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” Policy?
Does it still function in today’s society?
What challenges did it present for members of the community?
History of the Social Welfare Policy
Why was this policy developed and implemented? What problems was it expected to deal with?
How effective was this policy, once introduced?
Are there more issues which were raised after the introduction of this policy, which were not present before?
How did the army treat homosexual members before and after the policy?
Why was this policy not upheld during the World War II?
How comes many critics still argued that the policy did nothing to improve the treatment of the homosexuals serving in the army?
How did this policy evolve over time?
Is it still enforced today? How has this been effective?
Alternative Proposals to Address the Social Welfare Problem
Proposal 1
Will introducing laws against the oppressors of the homosexuals help deal with the problem of their discrimination?
How will this be achieved?
Proposal 2
Will giving the homosexuals a freedom of expression enable others to accept how they can freely share their sexuality?
Will this action offer them protection instead of oppress them further?
Analysis of the Alternatives
Proposal 1
In the first proposal of fixing the problem, is it more beneficial to introduce new laws against offenders?
How will this help?
Proposal 2
Does it really help to give homosexuals their freedom of expression? Why so?
Political Ramifications
Proposal 1
Will the government have to also acknowledge the homosexuals wholly?
Will the first alternative lead to unity of government officials or will it enhance the ridge between opposing sides?
Proposal 2
Will the activities of the federal government, such as funding of programs, be influenced by this second alternative?
How will the relationship between the church and the state be impacted?
Has this policy transformed over the years?
What alternatives can be used to fix the policy?
Will they be effective?