Performance appraisal is an interaction between an employer and employee. The appraisal is a review where there is an evaluation of the employee’s performance and a discussion of the strengths and weakness of the employee. The assessment also identifies the opportunities where the employee needs to develop professionally. Performance evaluation is mostly done either quarterly or annually depending on what suits an organization best (Reda, 2010).
The manager uses appraisal instruments to conduct and process the performance evaluation. The tools are such as the essay assessment form, checklist or MBO (Management by Objectives) method, critical incident technique, graphic rating scale, and comparative methods. The relative techniques include ranking, forced distribution and pair comparison methods. The paper will look at the rating scale (Osterlind, 2006).
Description of the instrument
The rating scale requires an employer to develop an in-depth performance grading system. The scale evaluates the employee’s success in the activities undertaken by the firm. The activities can include skills such as communication, technical expertise, and teamwork. The instrument comes with a minimum grade which an employee must receive in order the evaluation to be satisfactory (Reda, 2010).
Rationale of the performance appraisal instrument
The instrument is a fit method of assessment as it just shows that the employer is part of the employees’ activities in the organization. The interaction makes it better for the employer to be able to review the employees and the information is primary and not from another source. The appraisal method is beneficial as employers can be able to witness some issues that occur in the organization and address then adequately and timely before it get out of hand.
The method also improves communication as employees can air out their ideas and suggestion to their bosses about issues that are happening in the organization. The openness when it comes to sharing information will enhance trust and transparency within the organization (Reda, 2010).
Advantages of the instrument
Improve employer-employee relationship: the employer can only make proper judgments in the appraisal when he/she observes firsthand the activities done by employees in the organization. The link that will generate between the employer and employee will also assist to foster ethics within the organization (Osterlind, 2006).
Assist the manager in identifying traits of the employer’s viewpoint that may either positively or negatively affect the firm from achieving its objectives. It will also help the company to be able to know how to improve the performance of the workforce; this may be through various methods such as training. The instrument will assist to find out whether this is required.
Keep employees on their toes: the employees are constantly under supervision from their superiors thus they have to make sure that they are alert and are efficient in their responsibilities in the organization (Osterlind, 2006).
Disadvantage of the instrument
There is no leeway for the employees as there is constant observation of their actions by their superiors. Some of the employees may feel the constant observation to be suffocating which may not help them in doing their duties effectively (Reda, 2010).
How the appraisal supports the ADDIE model
The instrument is an egalitarian way of measuring individual performance. It can be used to get the strengths and weaknesses of each, and the management can utilize that information to be able to focus on the strengths and to be able to achieve the company’s objectives (Osterlind, 2006).
Reda, M.R. (2010).An analysis of the employee performance appraisal system in the Millennium. M.S. University of Louisville School
Osterlind, J.S. (2006). Modern measurement: theory, principles, and applications of mental appraisal. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall