There is the old saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” However, I prefer the thought you can’t beat the price, “free”. Dumpster diving, the act of taking items from the garbage or dumpsters is illegal in some places by local ordinance, regarded as trespassing if enclosed by a fence or placed against a building, sometimes forbidden by a sign posted on the dumpster itself or at the very least generally frowned upon by society. Do not let this stop you from the limitless bounty of previously owned goods awaiting you for just the cost of some preparation and effort!
Before you begin your sojourn into dumpster diving, there is some reconnoitering involved. Scout out when the garbage is being picked up in a particular area, what dumpsters look promising based on the merchandise in and around the area or what you need, drive by at night (your target dumpster diving time) to make sure the area is not riddled with drug addicts, gun play or prostitution. Hey, if you are going to be arrested, let it be for the crime you are actually committing, not one you are mistakenly swept up in during a raid. Finally, make a plan of the order for the dumpsters to “hit”, as there are many reasons you may need to move on from a particular dumpster on a given night.
Once the reconnaissance is completed, you will need to gather your supplies. Make sure clothing is of a sturdy material and washable, due to the filth you will encounter in dumpsters. I recommend thick, denim work pants and a sweat shirt. Over that wear a hoodie that is both washable and weather proof. You want a hoodie to cover your face from any cameras in the area if you a diving illegally. Thick soled boots or shoes to protect from broken glass or needles are a good idea, and latex gloves to cover your hands. Try to cover all your skin, because nothing will ruin a great night of dumpster diving like realizing among your free bounty is a broken needle stuck in your arm. Safety first is the most important rule of dumpster diving!
Some great tools of the trade to bring along as well: a milk crate, to be used as both a stepping stool and to carry away smaller items; a flashlight (if it attaches to your head, like a miner’s cap, even better!), and a long stick or metal pole. The pole will prove invaluable for pushing items aside and banging on the dumpster to scare away creatures living in the dumpster. With all the preparation completed you are ready for your first dive!
Doing a dive is best done with a partner. This is for safety’s sake, as well as to have a lookout. Drive to your chosen dumpster at night. Make sure no one is around. You may run in to a fellow diver. Some are territorial and others are friendly. Ask if they mind if you take a look as well. If they indicate it is their dumpster, move on to another choice. If you’ve met a seasoned diver, you are in luck! Now is a great time to ask for hints, tips and where the best dumpsters can be found!
If it is just you and you are alone, and the dumpster is deserted. Take your pole and bang on the dumpster. Give anything or anyone inside the chance to move along or respond. Set up your crate like a stool, and use your flashlight to look inside the dumpster. Stay alert, listen for sounds and look for threats while you are searching the dumpster. This is can be fun, but only as long as it is safe. Now, if the dumpster looks somewhat intriguing, and there is nothing overtly hazardous visible, use your stick to move aside the trash and see if it is worth jumping in the dumpster for a closer inspection.
Aha! There on the bottom-you may have spotted some awesome silverware, or an unopened case of tuna or sneakers still in the box! Whatever your treasure is, you’ve decided to go in. Put your milk crate on its side against the dumpster and use it for a footstool. Throw one leg over the side of the dumpster and pull yourself up and land both feet first in the dumpster. Use you flashlight and stick to examine the dumpster goodies. Any worth keeping and not fragile can be thrown over the side of the dumpster near your milk crate. Or if you were fortunate enough to have a partner in crime, hand out the items to your friend.
You’ve had a successful night! Now it is time to leave the scene. This is the hardest part. You are probably dirty and slimy. Use the trash in the dumpster to “build” a foot stool if you can and climb out, one leg at a time, sit for a second on the edge of the dumpster and use your milk crate to get down from the dumpster. Collect your “goodie” bag, make sure you have your pole, flashlight, milk crate and head back to your car.
Last and most importantly, when you get home, your gains must be thoroughly cleansed before use and you should shower immediately. Launder your clothes and clean your flashlight, pole, and milk crate and latex gloves with a bleach solution. It may seem like a lot of work, but there is no end to the free stream of materials that can be had from a society where consumerism is a past time and people, foolish people, will pay money for the next “have-to-have” item. The dumpster divers however, know better.
Dumpster Diving: The Sport Of The Poverty Class Essay Example
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Dumpster Diving: The Sport Of The Poverty Class Essay Example. Free Essay Examples - Published Nov 13, 2021. Accessed March 04, 2025.