This paper will discuss the topics of child labor and forced labor and what it constitutes. In the second section the reasons behind stopping Child Labor under the age of 10 in coffee farms will be mentioned.
Child Labor
“Child Labor” is described as work which deprives children from their childhood, their dignity and their potential which harms their mental and physical development (“ilo”). Child Labor referes to any work which:
- Mentally, socially, physically or morally is harmful and dangerous to the children;
- Interferes in Child’s schooling;
- Deprives them opportunity for attending school; or
- Makes them attend school on partial basis to manage their work hours
Forced Labor
Forced Labor constitutes any work or service where people get forced to perform against their will and under threat from any form of punishment. All slavery practices including bonded labor and human trafficking which have elements of forced labor. Millions get affected with forced labor in the world and such labor is found in high attendances in labor industries like Domestic help, Prostitution, illegal activities, construction, agriculture, mining, and packaging among many others (“antislavery”).
Reasons to stop Children under Age 10 to work in Coffee Farms
Many United States coffee retailers like Maxwell House, Folgers and Nescafe import their beans from farms which have forced or child labor under the age of 10 (“forcechange”). It is important to stop them due to following reasons:
- Most of the children are injured and malnourished with the demanding and physical tasks they need to perform.
- There have been cases of child labor deaths in some of these plantations due to malnutrition.
- International Labor Organization (ILO) has reported that some children are kidnapped or sold.
- Children get beaten and injured in their daily work and there is no medical and nutritional care provision.
- While many of the laborers work for $2-3/ day and work for 12 hours, child labors are paid much lower or not even paid in some cases.
“What is child labour”. Retrieved from. http://www.ilo.org/ipec/facts/lang--en/index.htm
"WHAT IS FORCED LABOUR?". Retrieved from. http://www.antislavery.org/english/slavery_today/forced_labour.aspx
Wilhoit, S. "Demand that U.S. Coffee Companies Stop Using Child and Slave Labor Overseas". Retrieved from. http://forcechange.com/62236/demand-that-u-s-coffee-companies-stop-using-child-and-slave-labor-overseas/