5.0 Chapter 5
5.1 Conclusion and Recommendation
This section winds up the results that have been seen in the survey. It determines if the study disputes the objectives or not and substantiate whether the hypotheses have been rejected or not, and the position supported by the survey.
The statistics in this study shows that employee motivation is very essential in ensuring that success is seen in the advert companies. It therefore support most research works through the process of data triangulation, validating the previous research works. According to Mike Kennerley, A. N. (2003), It is imminent that employees are the core stakeholders of a company, their contribution could either cause negative or positive effects on the company, it depends on how the managers and the supervisors implement the various incentives meant to motivate the employees. As seen in the analysis, it is not the incentives that results to better job performance, however, the type of incentives, reinforcements and schedules put on these motivational factors are core to the performance of the company.
Now, Mike Eleanor 2008, expresses that motivation could mean different things, and may be used in different ways, in this particular case, it is the process or the act of furnishing with an inducement or incentive to effect an action. This is the reason most managers have resorted to it to see that their employees work to meet the objectives of the company. However, as shown in the literature review above, no particular person is able to motivate another person satisfactorily, thus the words being stressed here are inducements and incentives to actions. How do we ensure that these incentives actually work? The work of the manager is to provide an environment among other important aspects that motivate employees. Knowing what makes an employee motivated is basic to establishing and maintaining effective relationships with each other. As a matter of fact, it is fundamental to the management practice, to ensure that things are done through other employees. Becoming a good manager and motivating employees is something that has no formulae whatsoever, and one has to use a trial and error method and weigh which method works better compared to another (Eleanor, 2008). There are different methods that could be used to increase the motivation of employees and include but not limited to the following: using of appropriate methods of reinforcement; behaviors that are rewarded and reinforced tends to be repeated always, this is the number one key to motivating human beings, and through the use of appropriate reinforcement, motivation can be significantly increased. Feedback should also be given on the behavior and not the person; negative feedback on performance should not focus on the individual, this is because a person can perform a job poorly but they still remain valuable employees. If superiors label people as either incompetent or unqualified, the results could be self-fulfilling. The managers must also make sure that accomplishment is recognized ; human beings enjoy recognition, however, the accomplishments made by the employees frequently gets lost, especially in large companies like advert companies. It is also important to encourage employees make their own goals, when employees set their own personal goals, positive commitments to accomplishing the set goals. Most of the time, their goals are more challenging compared to the ones that are set and dictated to them. Managers and employers must also make clear their expectations to ensure that employees understand them. We often know what we mean when we say something, however, most often other people do not. Expectations that are not clearly defined may result in a decrease of motivation and increase in frustration, therefore, in order to ensure that everyone is reading from the same page, one has to communicate clearly. To ensure that the relevant feedback is communicated and acted upon fast, and performance is improved, it has to be done fast and effectively, and be followed through, to ensure that the due procedure is followed to the latter, but not forcefully. In doing so, the employees have to be provided with flexibility of choice. It is important to provide employees with choices, this enables them to choose diligently, and make personal commitments, that are motivating. People who have no flexibility of choosing for them rather turn lethargic. Through giving them the possibility of making choices, you confer unto them confidence, and is undoubtedly the most effective motivation. It also enables one to create trust and open communication. Openness encourages motivation, threat on the other hand is the hugest obstacle of individuals towards motivation, and threat must therefore be shunned out of all organizations. In general a win- win situation is the only way to enhance self-esteem of the employees. One has to demonstrate interest in each individual being supervised, this is because people need to feel important and significant, managers must therefore take their time to learn each individual personally, learning about their families, likes and dislikes. Personal concern pays in form of increased productivity, additionally; employee’s personal knowledge will give clues on which methods to use in order to reinforce behaviors.
There are different types of programs used to reward the advert companies and could be implemented in any company. These are not mutually exclusive, but could be used together to ensure that there is a degree to gain the best effects.
5.2 Possible reward strategies
Individual vs. Team Based Rewards Programs, is one of such programs, individual rewards include monetary compensation, beyond the salary that is related to accomplishments and results. This is also called pay per performance; this includes bonuses, merit pay, plans of commission and profit sharing. Of the previous researches that were previously done, employees who are subjected to this program increased the performance by about 20%. Team-based rewards involve monetary compensation that rewards individuals for working as a team, and for the collective results. Team based incentives can be effective in improving individual and team performance. They additionally improve the performance of employees to be in line with the company goals and values. Team based rewards or incentives have been found to improve the performance by about 50%. Both team based rewards and individual rewards have effects on employee performance. Thus effective rewards programs on employees should include both of these rewards, but should place emphasis on team based programs because they have the largest impacts.
Another type of reward program could be competitive vs. non-competitive rewards programs. The competitive programs are limited number of reward, and not every worker that tends to meet the characteristics or the standards will receive a reward, but the highest performers will receive the reward. A study of the meta- analysis of the programs found that the competitive type of rewarding employees produced about 30% in the performance of the employees. The contrary is the non-competitive program; this is where every employee that meets the standards of the performance will receive a reward. According to the recent analysis, non-competitive programs results in about 25% increase in the performance of employees. Both non-competitive and competitive rewards results in increases in the worker output, a comprehensive strategy of rewarding them, should therefore include both these types (Mash, 2007).
While considering when to reward an employee, it is important to ensure that the system of rewarding has the largest impact on the behavioral changes. In most cases, the schedule of reinforcing these award systems could actually be more influential in enhancing behavioral change. The various schedules of reward include, continuous reinforcement, where every target behavior is rewarded (Aigen, 2008). An instance is paying a bonus each time every time an employee reaches a target. This type of reinforcement shapes the behavior of the employees, especially when engaging in a new task. The other reinforcement is the intermittent reinforcement; this is when the reward does not necessarily follow the target behavior response. This is a reinforcement that will result in the increase in the behavior that is more desirable. It is thus very effective in maintaining the behavior that is more suitable.
Now, continuous reinforcement is very effective in the rapid shaping of employees’ behavior, up to the point where it is replicable. Once the very behavior is made a habit, the variable interval and ratio schedules are more suitable to be used to effectively schedule the various reinforcements. The use of these schedules may result in significant changes of behavior across the board. These are the changes, which are most resistant to weakening; the schedules differ from one company to another, and may work differently (Wilson, 2005).
5.3 Key findings
Overall, employee motivation is very relevant in ensuring that an advert company does well in terms of its success (Ranganayakulu, 2005). Employees must be able to motivate their workers in various departments, through the use of various mechanisms, as mentioned before, it is relevant to understand every employee in order to know which types of motivations work well, under which circumstances, without a proper understanding of the employees, relevant motivational strategies may not be reached at, and the various efforts may end up going to waste.
There are various factors that affect the performance of employees in any advert company, and they vary from one company to another. Most of these effects revolve around the satisfaction of the employee, for instance, the nature of the working condition, effective communication between the employee and the employer, the ability to make personal choices and set own goals towards achieving the company’s goals, and openness with respect to making suggestions and positive critics (Perry, 1998). Of most importance is the relationship between the employer and the employee, the mutual respect that is extremely relevant in any form of association. As explained in this work, these are extremely important details and factors that are attributable to effective performance and success of the company.
The research has revealed that the various factors that affect the performance of an employee vary from one company to another, and is dependent of the different factors in a company. Even with proper application of various strategies to minimize low performance, no particular difference may be visible, and therefore, no particular schedule works similarly in all situations, this is why it is important for all managers to work towards ensuring that the needs, and interests of the employees are well understood, in order to make relevant decision on how to improve their performance.
The results of the research shows that, employee performance have very significant impact on HRM, this implies that if employees are able to work diligently, and effectively towards ensuring high productivity, then the HRM stands to positively gain from it, and hence the success of the company. The contrary is also true, if the enough effort is not made to ensure that the employees are well motivated to increase their productivity, and then it implies that the HRM will be out rightly affected, and as a result affect the performance of the company. The strategies of ensuring motivation is well integrated in the advert companies is therefore of extreme importance in all aspects. The same results are reiterated by Tinofirei, Rowan and Moss in their research works as shown above in the review.
In the literature review above, most researchers found out that motivation is an integral part of ensuring better performance by the employees, the question that remains is which types of incentives should be applied in the case of advert companies. There are different incentives that may be used to motivate the employees, and vary from company to company depending on the needs of the employees. All the above-mentioned incentives could therefore be applied effectively, and include simple gifts like gift cards, thank-you notes, recognition, and praise. Other bigger incentives include gifts like commissions inform of money, vouchers, tangible goods like a car, a washing machine among others. These are basically the things that managers and supervisors have researched and found to work in ensuring better performance of employees and the company thereof.
This paper is therefore very relevant in ensuring data validity through the process of data triangulation, studying the factors that are relevant in the success of advert companies, and specifically which ones to apply. It goes ahead to research the effectiveness of incentives in motivating the employees, and pursue the discrepancies that are revealed. It thus offers a platform of further improving the working conditions of the employees and adds onto the success of the company.Works Cited
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Effects Of Employee Performance On Organizations Business Success (Advert Companies Research Paper Example
Type of paper: Research Paper
Topic: Employment, Management, Performance, Behavior, Workplace, Motivation, Company, Employee
Pages: 10
Words: 2750
Published: 03/05/2020
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