Human growth and development have been studied, analyzed and researched for many centuries. There are several important individuals who have paved the path in understanding the human growth and development. In the past hundreds of years theories have come to light on what causes human development and growth, and what stages of life we are to experience different milestones.
One theory that will be looked at is psychosocial development theory. This theory was coined by Erik Erikson and the research he performed showed how social interaction builds personality and behavior. He found that ego development is crucial and adolescent years are crucial for personality identity and self identity. He had come up with eight stages of development from birth to adulthood. These theories show what stages of development should progress and how it affects who we are into adulthood behavior. “The ego develops as it successfully resolves crises that are distinctly social in nature. These involve establishing a sense of trust in others, developing a sense of identity in society, and helping the next generation prepare for the future” .
Another development theory that is used today would be the Cognitive theory of human development. The theory was brought forth by Jean Piaget’/s theory and research. The theory consists of six sub stages that explain the development from birth to two years old. The stages explains the milestones and development that occur up to the toddler stage of life. The stages continue into adulthood and mark the child’s development from language, to social interaction. “Piaget therefore shows how not only physical and intellectual abilities develop, but also what exercises or practices can be used to develop moral characterThe cognitive theory development has proven effective in today’s society” .
One theory that has been examined but not supported today would be psychosexual theory. Freud had coined this theory that stages of development have an effect on sexual connection. He believes that life and development is based on pleasure and how our id and superego react to pleasure. “Theory is the idea that the theory itself is unscientific and should not be taken seriously by the scientific community” . The analysis of Freud’s theory has not been proven accurate, but other aspects of his theory have been proven resourceful. His views on sexual needs and pleasure does not fit all situations and therefore cannot be a considered credible or sufficient in use.
Spiritual development has been increasing over the years. The development of a spiritual acceptance of one’s self helps ensure self-esteem, and increases a positive outlook on life in general. People who are or are in the process of developing spiritually has made an impact on the life they live and the decisions that they make for their future. Spirituality development has increased children’s happiness, and growth in proper decision making. Cause and effect can be related to spiritual development. Because it is this connection to "something greater" or a "higher power" that contributes to a child's sense of happiness. And ultimately "happiness is the meaning and purpose in life, the whole aim and end of human existence" .
Spiritual development and cognitive development work together in a positive enforcement. “Three spiritual development theories and theorists were compared with traditional cognitive
Development theories” . The relation of spiritual, social, physical, and emotional development work together in positive development and happier outlooks on goals and life.
Charlesworth, M. (2014). Piagets Theory of Human Development. Academic, 1-9.
Healey, M. (2012). Spiritual Development in children. Development, 1-4.
Love, P. (2011). Spirtiual Development. Comparing Spirtual and Cognitive Development, 1-8.
Saul, M. (2013). Developmental Psychology. Erik Erikson, 1-4.
Steen, J. (2013). Psychosexual Theory. Freud's Theories Controversy, 1-4.