Enabling skills
Enabling skills can be described as those skills that allow one to carry out a specific task. The skills need not be directly related to the field of activity task, but without them effective achievement of the tasks goals cannot be adequately realized.
Enabling skills are acquired through out an individual’s life. They form the major part of the learning stages in life. In order to acquire some other skills like the managerial skills and business oriented skills, there is need to have these skills. The skills in question here include such skills as reading skills, basic education skills, learning skills, analytical skills and problem evaluation and solving skills among many other skills.
Primary education provides the basic skills that are important to a manager. Consider a skill like reading skills, these need to be developed at early stages in life, otherwise achievement of the overall goal of becoming a manager is hard to realize. A manager needs to have proper reading skills in order to be able to handle reports from the junior departments or staff. Having the ability to discern the meanings of the same is the key to making informed decisions.
Secondary and college education provide a more advanced stage of acquiring some advanced skills. The ability to do research and critically analyze a problem is developed in these stages. A manager in any set up especially telecommunication industry need to have these skills. In many cases there is need to identify problems associated with the telecommunication infrastructure and develop a solution plan for the same. This is where the research and other skills like reading and leadership which cannot be developed in class come handy. A good manager will always do a thorough research to understand the available options to any problem, thereby identifying the most viable and optimistic option.
Project management skills are important in the case of implementation of new projects or upgrading of the already running ones. In this case a manager with no such skills tends to lag behind in the implementation of tasks, resulting in to undesirable delays in the telecommunications sector or department.
Delft University of Technology. (2010). Telecommunication management. Retrieved July 28, 2011, from Delft University of Technology: http://www.han.nl/start/graduate-school/kies-uw-master/informatica-media-communicatie/master-telecommunication-management/_attachments/mstm.pdf
Zunia organization. (2010). Zunia . Retrieved July 28, 2011, from Project management of telecom project: http://zunia.org/uploads/media/knowledge/OpenEducationalResources/PROJECT%20MANAGEMENT%20OF%20TELECOM%20PROJECT-C.doc