After taking the footprint quiz, I realized that if every one of the billion people living on earth live the way I do, 6.75 Earths will be needed to be able to be able sustain them according to the footprint calculator.
The result made me think twice of my living lifestyle. I consider my lifestyle modest but I was a little surprise see that the modest lifestyle I live with is already extravagant if the available resources and the number of people the earth needs to feed are taken into consideration. Although, footprint calculator is not exactly accurate, it is a good measure of estimating how much one consumes on the earth resources. In the real world, more number of Earths may be needed to support the whole population on Earth. Although some people live in a more modest way than I do and are always using eco-friendly products and ways to live, some people live on earth without any care of the environment. Conservation is not included in their vocabularies.
In less developed countries, maybe my footprint is above their footprints because they use more natural ways of during things, however, there are some activities in these less developed countries that contribute the dwindling resources on earth. In less developed countries for example, electrical appliances, clothes and other household things are used until the time they are not serviceable anymore. In our place, most things do not reach this stage before they are changed. In a suburb where I live, the main mode of transportation is motorized vehicles which mainly use gas. In the less developed countries, the main mode of transportation is the use of bicycles or walking which does not make use energy sources except for the energy of the human body.
With this realization, I can consider lessening my fuel consumption by using vehicles only when they are needed. In our household, I’ll initiate the replacement of energy saving fluorescents and gadgets. Likewise water leakages should be started to be monitored. When buying things, I’ll start looking for eco-friendly things to be able to at least do my share in preserving the earth.
Assessment of a Personal Environmental Footprint Essay Examples
Type of paper: Essay
Topic: Life, Lifestyle, World, Energy, Vehicles, Infrastructure, Friendship, Development
Pages: 2
Words: 350
Published: 12/10/2019
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