The rate of plastic garbage in India has always presented a major challenge to its citizens with research showing that it has the highest rate of plastic pollution compared to the United States which is the world's largest chemical user. It is quite unfortunate that the Indian government has not been able to formulate strategies to curb this plastic garbage pollution issue. This problem would persist until Vasudevan, a professor of chemistry saw this as a new light of using these chemical wastes to raise income and at the same time conserve the environment.
It is quite interesting and surprising how the professor intelligently came up with an idea to recycle the plastic wastes materials and use them as a component in road construction. This development was an original way of eliminating these hazardous substances from the environment and using them in a way that still benefits the economy. Sustainable roads made of plastics? This discovery sounds absurd, but evidently this was enabled by the professor who believed that plastics are not as bad as people thought they are but rather a gift from the Almighty that contributes positively to the environment (Akash.K, 2011).
Chemistry is a fundamental science that Vasudevan used to make good from bad as he mixed plastic with tar and later heated the mixture that acted as road construction components. It took him numerous experiments enable him to find the right technology and method to help him build stronger roads from plastics and at the same time protect the vulnerable environment. The tricky part experienced with this unique discovery was related to the ability to clean these plastics and recycle them for the desired purpose.
The ugly part of this development was the discrimination against the poor. It is heartbreaking how individuals despised those who collected plastics by the roads as the author experienced and it’s an indication of lack of humility in the society that we live. The author also acknowledged that the poor citizens were much sincere and willing to help him implement his discovery as opposed to the wealthy and the ordinary classes (Akash.K, 2011).
This innovation was not only meant to improve technology regarding roads but also open up the human minds and change their reasoning. If only people could exercise humility and acknowledge other people's effort, then India could be a much better place to live with a safe environment.
Work Cited
Akash Kapur. India's 'Plastic Man' Turns Litter Into Paved Roads: Bloomberg Newsletter (2011).