In order for an organization to earn itself a good share of the market size, its brand plays a very crucial role. The brand must be well positioned if at all the branding strategy is going to be a success for the organization. The term ‘brand positioning’ is used in this context to refer to how a product of a certain brand appears as compared to other similar products in the market. Arguably, brand positioning can be looked at from two perspectives; vertical and horizontal. From the horizontal point of view, it relates to the customers’ perceptions of the qualities and features of a product of an organization in relation to the competitors, (Ahmad & Clifton, 2009). On the other hand, from the vertical point of view, it is concerned on how a product of a certain brand ranks in relative with the products of competitors.
Coca Cola is one such company that has been very successive in establishing its brand. In order to strategically position its brand, the company mostly relays on advertising. In the entire globe, posters of the coca cola brand can be found literally everywhere in whichever country the company operates, (Ahmad & Clifton, 2009). By so doing, they have been well positioned as compared to their competitors. Moreover, the Company is involved in sponsorships in most events that take place in most parts of the world, for instance games and sports. By sponsoring the Olympic Games, the company extended its market share more especially in Asia as compared to its competitors. The Company mainly focuses on the attributes of quality and price in competing with its competitors. Indeed, it is the leading company in the beverage industry in producing high quality products at a cheaper price in comparison to its competitors. In comparison with the other brands, the Coke brand is relatively strong. This is evident by the fact that most individual in the entire world are aware of this brand. According to the ranking of Interbrand Corporation, Coke brand has been ranked number one for the eight consecutive times now.
The Coca Cola company brand is global. As mentioned previously, the Coke brand was ranked number one by Interbrand Corporation. In order to determine whether an organization has a global brand, different criteria are used. The first criterion is the income from the brand. The brand should be generating income from different parts of the globe and not just one region. Secondly is the role of the brand, i.e., how it helps people to choose. Lastly, is how strong the brand is or rather the strength of the brand in the market. The Coca Cola Company is known for the production of high quality soft drinks that go for a cheaper price in comparison to the brands of its competitors. This is one of the contributory factors that have led to the observable strength of this brand in the beverage industry.
In positioning its brand, Coca Cola Company is usually known for one its unique ingredient that it used in production of its soft drinks. Notably, there is no other company in the entire world that uses this unique ingredient in producing its products. This ingredient makes the products of this company very unique and better than those of the competitors. Furthermore, the company ensures that its clients know about the uniqueness of its products through advertising and other methods. Creating brand awareness among the customers is very vital in maintaining and attracting new customers.
Ahmad, S & Clifton, R. (2009). Brands and Branding. NY: Bloomberg Press.