There are various conditions in developed western culture at present that were hardly unheard of just years ago. Similar conditions are still unheard of in primitive individuals who are ignorant on the advantages of such information. There is fine explanation for this: These people feed on what nature intends yet we do not. The condition caused by our erroneous and unusual diets is characterised in terms of aggression and violence as displayed boldly by Jurriaan Kamp, Ode’s article posted on August 28, 2007
In regards to the World Health Organisation (WHO), depression is one among the most significant sicknesses in the face of humankind. That is replicated in massive rise in the recommendation of anti-depressive drug as at present. A few years ago Research administered by WHO highlighted the incidence of depression in contemporary society ;( Murray and Lopez, 123).
There have been numerous studies on the outcome of these diverse meal guide and different foodstuff. Some exhibited and experienced symptoms such as exhaustion, vitality, anger, aggression, uncertainty, nervousness, and depression. In each of the tests, those who consumed carbohydrate-based foods reported to have achieved very low in all classes apart from nervousness, where there was no differentiation. On the other hand, tests of attentiveness, auditory and optical response times, and alertness, again the carbohydrate consumers appeared worse.
It is therefore definite that consumption of sugar or other carbohydrate foods has the capability to recover one’s frame of mind. The function that glucose is acknowledged to play in generating the body cells with energy has lead to the supposition that an improved supply of metabolic vigour is linked with feeling personally more attentive and lively. However, a great deal of the verification is that eating carbohydrate has a fascinating result. In that, it makes one to feel good by leaving one relaxed and sleepy, rather than attentive. This being the cause why many nutritionist advocates for carbohydrates in the nightfall since carbohydrates help one sleep.
Amongst the assorted studies examining the outcomes of 6 fatty acid levels and omega-3 on depression and violence accounted for discovering evidence of a remarkable relationship involving the larger utilization of omega-6 linoleum acid from seed oils between the era 1961 to 2000 and the mounting number of aggression in the Argentina, UK, Canada, Australia, and USA (Hibbeln et. Al, 1207). Collectively, there may be a dissimilar nutritional feature. A group from the Medical Research Council, piloted by Professor David Barker outlined suicide rates in 14,556 Hertfordshire men and women whose birth records are obtainable since 1911. (Barker, 1201).They established that men and women who executed suicide had reduced rates of weight achievement in childhood. In addition, that too could be caused by a carbohydrate-rich, nutrient-poor diet.
Therefore, as much as there is no doubt that there is a link between diet, Depression, and Violence, there is contention on it (diet) stopping the latter. Many researches have given mixed results on this topic and we cannot conclude comprehensively. Therefore, I do not think that diet can Help Stop Depression and Violence, maybe reduced it.
Work Cited
Murray, CJL, Lopez, AD (Eds). The Global Burden of Disease. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1996
Hibbeln JR, Nieminen LRC, Lands WEM. Increasing homicide rates and linoleic acid consumption among five Western countries, 1961-2000. Lipids 2004; 39: 1207-13.
Barker DJP, Osmond C, Rodin I, et al. Low weight gain, and suicide in later life. BMJ 1995; 311: 1203.