Most parents around the world wish the best for their children leading them to seek for the most convenient way to do it. Love acts as a key factor for bringing up successful children. Amy Chua never gave her daughters (Sophia and Louisa) an opportunity to attend a sleepover or have a date play and at the same time insisted that they should not take part in a school play. She also required them to get an A grade and nothing less than that. The two daughters were not allowed to complain for not participating in a school play neither should they watch TV or play any computer was their duty and responsibility to work hard at school to become number one students in all subjects with an exception of drama and gym. Other than the violin and piano they were never to play any instrument.
These entire don’ts have been purposed to give them a good and positive upbringing though it may be considered to have been strict. It has facilitated differentiating the Chinese and western mothers on matters concerning parenting. This is indicated by the ideology that majority of western mother suggest that it is not good for their children to undergo stressful academic success but on the contrary a remarkable percent of Chinese mothers believes that academic achievement is a good reflection of a successful parenting. The Chinese parents argues that children are well known not to work while on their owner therefore spends most of their time during the day drilling some academic activities whereas western kids are actively participating in sport games. Chinese parents can go ahead and do imaginable things like calling their children names which is considered cruel by the western who instead prefer to tiptoe around crucial issues which eventually ends their kids being victims. Research has reveal that western kids are only ask to try deliver their best in their undertaking whereas on the other hand Chinese parents boldly ask their kids to get straight.
A Chinese parent does not tolerate fragility but instead they highly assume strength. The western parents base their worries on self- esteem of the children by constantly trying to reassure them the good side of not considering a mediocre performance on any given test. Chinese parents overrides all preference and desires because they believe that they knows what is required and best for their children and can sacrifice anything only to see them living to their a Chinese point of view the best and preferable way to safeguard their children is by equipping them to be able to face the future challenges and making them to be in a proper state to identify what they are capable of and arming them with inner confidence. By contrast the western parents finds it easy and of good manners to respect the individuality of their children, urging them to pursue their true heart passion and availing positive reinforcement and a nurturing surrounding. In a general view every decent parent would do what is positive to his or her child thus making both the Chinese and western parents to be at the same level on matters of parenting.
Parents with young children and living in poverty are faced with lots of difficulties getting enough time and energy to devote in achieving their basic needs these therefore calls for social support. The greater challenges faced by those living in poverty is due to their exposure to the chronic stressful events. These families may at one point or another during their childhood have encountered dysfunctional parenting probing to having fewer tangible and social and emotional resources. It is evident that those parents that have sufficient social support got better and remarkable parenting skills and relationship with their beloved children. Basically social support and attachment style are key element in parenting in the sense that they improve the behavior to which a child is being brought up during the early period of its development. Social support is referred to as the tangible and emotional assistances that directly relates to parenting behavior in a positive manner. Social support and parenting at times works differently for those families that are chronologically stresses as a result of the numbers of stressors that they tackle and the regularly occurrences of a similar stressful circumstances experienced by other members involved in their support network. Despite the role played by social support in positively impact in parenting it is clear that it becomes a different case while working for chronically stressed at population which are risky. At these risky populations the relationship between parenting and social support may be influenced by some conditions in hand with stressful neighborhood. Persons that are high on avoidant dimension are considered less comfortable with things to do with intimacy and shun down their desire for establishing a close relationship. Also the relationship between the two has acted as a protective measure while their correlation would make a greater impact to parenting outcome. General support being so important in parenting process, it mainly takes place through it reduction of feelings relating to anxiety.
Children’s behavior and character development receives much significant influence from external sources such the family which is normally regard to as a socio- culture arrangement. This means that any irresponsibility practiced by parents’ results to unnecessary and negative effect to a child behavior and growth. Also there are certain parenting behaviors that will affect the children’s development and growth thus causing behavioral disorders. The relationship between parenting practice and children behavior are fundamental in structuring the kind of child being brought up, this is so because it has been evident that authoritative parents have achieve more in helping those children in adolescents to stay away from problem to do with drugs. This simply outlines that the parents which are so authoritative to the kids have attain supportive style which is opted for adoption by those with responsives demands and dimensions. It is a fact that at specific times when parents expects certain achievements from their children and tend to portray a responsive and supportive behavior, children will develop their own self- confidence and accountability taking in consideration less problematic behavior.
In conclusion different parenting styles has contributed to low or high rates of behavioral problems from children and authoritative parenting style having been a great contributor positive development of children it then requires that a parent and child should maintain a high responsive and demand in order to reduce externalizing and internalizing symptoms. On the contrary permissive parenting style are said to be not demanding though they are responsive therefore associates itself with externalizing and internalizing the children’s behavior.
Works Cited
"Book Reviews." Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 30.2 (2001): 276-279. Print.
Fink, George. Encyclopedia of stress. 2nd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press, 2007. Print.
Peel, Kathy. Family for life: how to have happy, healthy relationships with your adult children. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003. Print.