Customer service in all manners is very essential in every aspect of the company since they say without the customer a company cease to exist hence the slogan customer is king. As a business that is seeking to gain a jumpstart before the rest of the company we could be limited in a number of ways where customer service is concerned. Maybe staff numbers could be low not to enhance full customer care convenience and such other.
Customer are more likely be satisfied by mere conversations, yes that is right most problems to the customer have to do with reduced or bare communication. It builds a company’s reputation where personal service is concerned and loyalty is built. While talking to customers enhances customer repetitiveness it may also expand a business’s knowledge base after receipt of customer feedback. Feedback is important to any business it may be received via interviews conducted or questionnaires on customer experience.
The above table is a clear indication that truly customer satisfaction can be a major issue in business survival rates. Where a business in required by law to offer a certain range of commodities a business should go the extra mile and offer customer experience in all aspects.
Every business will and should owe customers a service extension for loyal customer there should be a plan to reward their loyalty by all mean s that will be of benefit to a company hence loyalty programs may go a long way in keeping them and bringing more in. It is rewarding of loyalty with loyalty
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Inghilleri, L., & Solomon, M. (2010). Exceptional service, exceptional profit: The secrets of building a five- star customer service organization. New York: American Management Association.
Mentzer, J. T. (2001). Supply chain management. Thousand Oaks, Calif. [u.a.: Sage Publ.