Data access object is a design pattern that is used to hide the complexity of the program from the user. Users are not supposed to get the details of how the program has been developed. This is where the data access object comes in. This design pattern helps users to access what they are supposed to access. The dispatcher is a design pattern that is used to give the requests of the client to the proper party object that is found on the same level of tiers. The client requests are essential issues that come into play when designing the user interface and large programs. It is important to take care of requests from the client. Both data access object and dispatcher are two design patterns that deal with the users. They are design patterns that concern how the data and users will interact with the system. The difference between these two design patterns is that data access pattern is concerned with users and data. It is more concerned with the integrity of the data. This is unlike dispatcher which is tasked with how requests are handled. It is, therefore, more oriented to the user than the data or how the program operates.
The third design pattern is that of the factory design pattern. This design pattern is focused on creating a group of objects which are related due to instantiation. The objects are related a because of subclasses which are related. Compared with the data access object, they are both design patterns that are concerned with how objects relate to other objects, data access objects with the data and factory with the subclasses. The difference between these two design patterns is that the factory design pattern is tasked with subclasses and how they are related to the classes. On the other hand, data access patterns are tasked with how users will access the programming complexity. Dispatcher design pattern is tasked with ensuring that the requests of the users get access to the right tier. It is therefore tasked with the requests.
The model design pattern is tasked with models and the states of the functions. It shows how states are modeled and the functions that these models have. In general, though the current system has been working with small limitation, the expansion of the college will bring in a large number of problems that need to be addressed. This is addressed by implementing a new system that, in addition to solving the named problem, will also enable the college has a system that will serve the students and instructors. It will also provide a basis of evaluating the trends in the technological world and, hence, provide a basis maximizing the benefits of information technology in education.
There have been massive challenges in the current audio/video system used by the computer science students and information technology students. The challenges in the system have caused a lot of inconvenience. In fact, the challenges have almost rendered the audio/video room non-functional. As a result, the management has decided to build a new system that would serve the purpose effectively.
There several limitations of the current system, first, the system use panopto. This is management and video capture software that is used by instructors. The content that this system is able to capture is limited due to outdated hardware. Because of different hardware components implemented, the functionality of the system is limited. Moreover, the panopto system is not compatible with Mac OS used by any computers. This means that the information from these computers cannot be accessed (Wang, 2012).
It has also been noted that the current system has a limited variety of Audio/Visual equipment in the class. Currently, only the VCR is installed. This has presented a magnanimous challenge as it is incompatible with the many technological input devices that are currently being used.
There is very minimal control of the input and output devices that are currently in use. Currently, it is not possible to use individual input devices. This has posed major problems for both instructors and students alike. The audio devices have fallen short in the quality of sound that they produce. This is probably due to aging as they have been in use since the facility was put up. With the growing number of students who use the resources, it has posed a major challenge as the sound distribution in the room is no longer effective to suffice for the high user demands.
Papp, R. (2001). Strategic information technology: Opportunities for competitive advantage. Pennsylvania: Idea Group Inc.
Trauth, E. M., & Howcroft, D. (2005). Handbook of Critical information systems research. Edward Elgar.