The whole report is all about the employer verses the employees’ expectations in the current labor market. The main purpose o this report is to light some of the employer’s expectations in accordance with the organizational structure and also review the changing employees’ expectations in the current labor markets.
The report is structured to have three sections in the main body after the introductions which are; the employers’ expectations in accordance with the organizational structure, the changing employees’ expectations in the current labor market and also how these expectations differ from one company set up to another. Then, finally the conclusion about the finds of the report are given.
The society comprises of many communities all put together sharing resources at one or more levels. These resources could be natural like water or those that have been created by man in general. Those that are created by man himself may be infrastructure and facilities of the kind, in order that this facilities be of any substantial use to the society, man has to provide his services at one level or another.
This provides for the position of employer and the one to be employed. To employ someone generally is giving a person an opportunity to serve or to utilize one’s ability or skills to do work. Therefore, the employer is a person who creates that environment for someone to do work or provide his services to the society. This is away of creating wealth to the employer and in the end also providing to the society at large.
The employer’s expectations in accordance with the organizational structure
As employer provide jobs to their employees, they have many expectations in their minds that they would want meet or achieve according the strategies they may have laid down. On the other hand, employees also have their expectations that make them seek for jobs and at the end wake up early every morning to meet these expectations.
The expectations the employer has, most of the time go hand in hand with the particular organizational policies or strategies. Therefore according to these strategies, the employer may expect quality production. This may only be achieved through good use of the laid down procedures and proper use of equipment. Therefore the employ expects the employees to use their knowledge and skills according so that this goal may be achieved within the ranges stipulated. When employees use equipments in the right way this not only guarantees safety but also reduces chances of incurring so many costs of maintenance. Reducing maintenance costs may majorly goes hand in hand with organizations’ policies of reducing costs incurred during maintenance practices.
In addition, proper utilization of facilities and materials through employment of the application of required knowledge and skills reduces costs of buying spare parts for replacement or buying new equipment, this will enable smooth running of the organization in question in accordance with its strategies it may have laid down, thus fulfilling the employer’s expectation.
The employer may want according to organizations’ strategy, employees who are very responsible and also accountable for the roles given to them at any given time. This may require them to keenly work within the time frame of their assigned jobs. The employer requires employees who are good time managers, problem solvers and who have good and strong thinking abilities. The employer expects the employees to meet most of these qualities so that the organizations goals and strategies are timely and effectively met.
Employers may expect employees who have a good customer focus, this may essence mean an employee who is more or totally entrusted to serving the needs and expectations of customers in line with the company’s policies or strategies. This may require that employees apply exceptional customer servicing techniques to turn intermittent customers into loyal customers.
This may be of advantage in increasing the organizations’ market share, which in the end will go hand in hand with organizations’ policies or plans. The employer may also the employees to use this mode of good customer service to influence good performance of the company’s products and services to its targeted market and customers.
This may serve as away of reducing costs of advertisement and therefore meeting the requirements of the organizations policies. This comes out successfully because a satisfied customer is the most powerful way of achieving this intended goal and expectation of the employer. In another case is where the expectations of the employer are to have a good image printed to its customers so that his laid down strategies may be accomplished well. This calls for the employees to conduct themselves well by; appearing professional, cooperative, helpful and pleasant.
This allows mutual interaction between employees and the customers they serve which will enable them to know their needs. This also helps the company review its policies to suit the needs of its potential customers in advance, in this way managing take the advantage of making the customers be loyal to the particular organization.
Most of the time, the employer may expects the employee to have a combination of skills, personal traits, knowledge and most importantly knowledge or the know-how of doing work. These qualities may allow individuals to be more flexible when required to do so and suit the organizations’ goals or strategies that it wants to lay down, implement changes on the existing strategy or policy.
Good communication will allow better performance and collaboration among employees and the employer. It enhances teamwork and easy generation of ideas, use of skills and the relaying of orders will be very easy. All these may be geared towards achieving the company’s objective and strategies well. At the end of the day when all this is adhered to the organizational strategies are easily met thus fulfilling the employer’s expectations and aim (Forde 2000).
The changing employee’s expectations in the current labor market
Employees of any particular company have expectations. These expectations are tied on how their way of reacting to different situations at there work place. These expectations may in one way or another involve the following areas; organizational structure, employee retention, technology, change management, financial management, payment terms, benefits associated with them as employees of any particular company and finally better working conditions (Kegan 1998) .
Embracing the art of new technology also justifies the efforts by employees who have upgraded their academic background or their curriculum vitae for that matter. This also calls for ways of allowing new methods of working. This comes as a result of new and new technology which allows flexibility, for instance, someone being in a position to handle his assignment right from his house which reducing costs of transportation. With the effect of world wide financial crisis and ever rising living standards, any employee today when employed or searching for employment would seek a job with better pay to keep up with the living standards.
So employees today expect different organizations they work for or are willing to work for, to have frequent review of their terms of pay they offer to their employees. Employees who have better payment terms work very hard and most of the times are motivated by the good justification that is given on their pay.
The organization structure of most companies my not clarify clearly the roles of their workers at any given level; this may work against good realization of goals and values. In order that these goals and values are realized well, the organization structure needs to clarify the roles of each and every other party in the organization that is geared towards the realization of this goals and values.
The structure should be reviewed frequently so that it may enhance good working levels. It should allow teamwork, employee involvement in key decisions that directly affects their working and existence. The structure should have clear definition of chain of command to suit the needs of current labor markets.
Change management is a very important factor to be considered by any organization, this is because any change they effect in their organization may have negative impacts on the organization itself. Employees of today have been empowered by technological advancement and the freedom of having unions. All these have made the employ to be keen on anything that may affect their well being as workers.
Therefore, employees of today demand that they be involved in any discussions that may result into change that may directly or indirectly affect them. So, managements of today are highly required to be more careful when thinking of having change. A good plan or arrangement and procedure should be put in place to allow successful change adoption. This would probably allow all parties involved especially employees to be so much involved.
Employees today would want a job that has better benefits like house allowance, medical allowance and travel allowance. All this improvement, bases on the fact that, living standards have gone up making acquisition of most basic needs and other necessities to be very expensive. Employees today demand the provision of life, medical and other insurances depending on the company and country of operation.
Majority of employees in today’s world want a job that has enough security and good way of laying off employees. Employees want an assurance of maintaining their work for long times and not just being thrown out in any way.
Today employees require that the companies they work for should have better ways of handling their finances, that is, their salaries should have more than one way of reaching them. Secondly, the organization should allow formation of societies dealing with employees’ financial affairs to enhance growth and thus empower employees. The working conditions have both negative and positive effects on the total out come that an employee may realize at any given time. Employees in today’s world would want a good working condition to guarantee their safety and at the end boost their moral hence having better result in everything they handle.
Employees today demand a good disaster management plan to be provided by their employers to safeguard on their safety and better their working environment to improve on their total output.
How the changing employees’ expectations differ from one company set-up to another
The human resource department differ from one company to another, this means that the expectations of an employee working with Coca-cola which is a multinational company compared to the expectations of another employee working with a company like American National Insurance Company concerning issues like on job training, protection gears and mode of recruitment differ greatly. Another thing is how the employee relate with departments at their respective companies differs a lot, an employee at Coca-cola relates directly with the human resource department under the line or region he is, while in ANIC, the employ just has one general human resource department that serve them all (Gillespie 2009).
Another issue is the technology regarded by different companies; the technology embraced by individuals in one particular company may only be useful when applied in that particular company as opposed to another company. This means that the technology employees of a company like Shell may want to use is not the same technology that would be adapted by companies like Easy jet.
This is because this technology may be suitable for exploration and therefore suits Shell well than Easy jet Air line a transport related company. The range of technology adoption methods depends solely on the academic capabilities of individuals at different working environments the particular company they work for.
The organization structure of any given particular company differs greatly from one particular company depending on the goals and values of the company in question. This means that each company’s employee have their own expectations from their respective company’s organization structures. The organization structure of Coca- cola empowers employees differently from every geographical region; this means that their employee would most probably want matters handled as per their country’s provisions.
Also an employ from a different company would desire a differently on how his organization gets structured. This would allow different ways of communicating commands, ways of work organization and most probably the span of authority which differs from one organization to another. All this difference has an effect on the final goal and value realization.
Different companies have different modes of disaster management programmes that it allows to be used it its facilities. Many employees would want a programme or a plan that addresses their immediately working condition issues but not just a plan that is not in apposition to help them in case of a disaster a their working environment (Gollan 2005).
It is evident that employees of today, are not satisfied with job at hand but they would like to go hand in hand with the technological changes they see and also to justify their efforts of upgrading their curriculum vitae to suit the technological changes. In other words they would like to be updated always.
Secondly, when the employers expectations are realized in line with the organisational structure, then the goals of the company are easily realized also, thereby increasing the market share of the company and also to a larger extend fulfilling customers’ desires and expectations thus turning most of them to be loyal customers.
The other thing is that the technology in use in one company does not necessarily become the choice of the other company which means that every company may adopt a technology depending, mostly on its values and goals in wants to achieve.
The salary of the employees should be review frequently as per the prevailing economic status to reflect ever rising living standards. This is in accordance with the report findings. In addition, from the findings, the every organization ought to have its own disaster management plan in line with the company’s environmental set-up. This will generally address issue concerning the company well at times of disaster. From the report finings, employees’ expectations differ from one company to another according to the structuring the company uses, the type of benefit, the chain of command and the goals and values the company in question has.
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