It is prudent to mention that employment opportunities are meant for everybody regardless of their gender, ethnicity and other related factors. It therefore implies that all potential employees should be offered with equal opportunities in terms of employment. Having mentioned this, it brings out the point on employment discrimination. Over the past decade, the employment rates have decreased due to the malpractices or discrimination-taking place in the entire process of recruitment for new staffs. Both equality and discrimination are guided by the fact that an employee is subjected to get equal treatment.
Employment discrimination takes place along the lines of gender, religion, sexuality, age, racial origin and disability. The employment discrimination is simply the practice that is common with the mode promotions, hiring of laborers, and the termination of services, job assignments, and retaliation and compensation among others. Employment discrimination has made the government to set policy that would try to combat it. Discrimination discourages full exploitation of the potential of all citizens in a country and limits the organization from achieving the set goals and objective due to lack of qualified personnel for specific tasks.
Equality in employment arises in terms of payment and the entire process of employment. As mentioned earlier, the major principle non- discrimination was applicable to the gender discrimination. In other terms, it means that most of the jobs were considered for men whereas women were the household chore and other home duties. This acts as enough evidence for the degree of discrimination calling for the need of incorporating programs that would stand up for the rights of women and other marginal groups in the society. Equity should be exercised in all lines of employment and duties. This includes equality in terms of payment and allocation of duties and promotion.
The government has set several acts that would ensure every citizen get equal right in the job market. This act would govern the entire processes of recruitment and other service offered to the employee. It advocated for recruitment of individuals basing upon their qualification. On the other, the government has initiated campaigns to ensure that female gender gets equal opportunities as compared to the male gender in both employment and other related fields. Equality comes as a full package of both recruitment, payment, job assignment, compensation and the termination of service. It simply means that all employees should be subjected to equal treatment in the workplaces.
The civil rights also advocate for equality among individual and even goes ahead to ensure each person in a certain business set up get equal opportunity to explore available resources. It gives people the right and mandate of participation in a given task within being discriminated based on the racial origin, gender, sexuality and nationality. Under the act of 1964, it protects people from being discriminated based upon their nationality, color and races. It states that nobody should be excluded or denied the chance of participation in any open opportunity for the public. It is also against the act to deny an individual the benefits that comes as a result of his or her participation in certain operation. For instance, all individuals should be given equal chances of promotion bearing in mind they all participated in the realization of the goals and objectives of an organization
Works Cited
Craig, Ronald L.. Systemic discrimination in employment and the promotion of ethnic equality. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2007. Print.