Statement of Professional Code of Ethics
My professional code of ethics is in line with that of the American College of Healthcare Executives and that of the American Medical Association. It consists of six values that I am obliged to observe in my professional and personal life. These values ensure that my interaction with others goes smoothly for them and me.
I oblige to be professional in my work in healthcare, to dedicate as much time as is required and appropriate to my work, to be honest with my colleagues and those dependent on my work, to maintain integrity and respect in my daily endeavors and to show compassion to those who depend on me.
Dedication forms the core characteristic of the success remedy. Dedication makes one get through obstacles greater than themselves. It allows the individual to achieve great success in his or her field. I view dedication to my work in the field of healthcare key in achieving my own dreams and providing high quality services to those who depend on me.
Honesty breeds trust. Honest people are trusted more by their peers and clients than insincere people (Farmer, 2003, p. 74). I always try to be honest to myself first about my strengths and weaknesses, and then I am honest with my colleagues and patients. Honesty, I have found, allows for exchange of relevant information which is very important in the healthcare industry. Thomas Jefferson said, “Honesty is the first chapter of the book wisdom”. Albert Einstein observed that, “Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters, cannot be trusted with important matters”.
Integrity is having consistent moral values without compromising for any reason. My integrity is important to my professional development. As a young professional in the healthcare industry, I am required to maintain a morality in my work and in the decisions that I make every day (Rodwin, 2004, p. 36). Integrity ensures that my progress is not hampered by several misfortunes which often come about as a result of moral compromise. Many successful people have cited integrity as the main reason they succeeded in life. My will is to emulate their morals and adapt them to my work.
“Respect yourself and others will respect you” (Confucius saying). I thrive to always respect myself first. I make sure that I respect everyone that I associate with, whether they are my colleagues or my clients. Respectful people get treated fairly. In the healthcare industry respect for others gets you respect. Respect is yet another ingredient for success.
Compassion for my profession is the fuel that drives me through the good and the bad times. The days I get frustrated and those I am tired, I get motivated by the fact that I love what I do. Paulo Coelho observed, “Wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure” (Crane, 2010, p. 12). Compassion drives me to find solutions for problems I face every day. It also makes me happy whenever I am working. Happiness reduces stress and increases productivity.
Of all the values in my code of conducts, compassion is the one I will never let go.
Farmer, P. (2003). Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor.
California: University of California Press
Crane, A. (2010). Business Ethics. New York: OUP
Rodwin, A. (2005). Medicine, Money, and Morals. New York: OUP