Undeniably, there are many people in the world who are rich and famous. On the other hand, there are many people who wish to be rich and famous. Being rich and famous entails various factors, which include talent, creativity and hard work. Individuals in the globe, rarely take time to comprehend what it means to be either rich or famous. As a matter of fact, many people understand what it means to be famous, but being rich has some complexities in it. Arguably, many famous people in the world are rich, but there is a tremendous difference between being famous and being rich. However, some rich individuals in society have no fame; this is because they just inherited the richness. The compared and contrasted aspects of being famous and being rich include privacy, lifestyle, as well as social status.
Certainly, most people who are rich and famous have at one time done what they know best. These include utilizing your talent, as well as hardworking. In fact, those who inherit wealth if they do not work hard to maintain their status, they will lose it all. Some of the famous and rich people who have adhered to these aspects include footballers, businessmen, actors, as well as singers (Albazzaz & Birnbaum, 2000). In addition, rich and famous people must have put extra efforts in their talent, careers, and studies to achieve it.
Being famous or rich gives an individual a life time opportunity to fulfill own dreams. In fact, fame and affluent presents enormous opportunities for one to realize and work towards achieving full potential in life. For example, famous individual relocate to a more secure environs despite their financial constraints. On the other hand, rich people are forced to live in secure neighborhoods in order to protect their life and property. Generally, the society today views famous and rich people in a stereotypic way. This implies that the rich and famous people are given respect and credit even on issues that they do not deserve (Taylor & Anderson, 2010).
In terms of lifestyles, the rich people always enjoy life more that the famous people. In fact, famous individual enjoy publicity while the rich sometimes enjoy both money and publicity. Some renowned billionaires in the world are famous because of their money. It implies that one can gain fame by being rich (Clark, 2004). On the other hand, being famous does not guarantee you money, but it can form a tremendous base for making money. Rich individual enjoy money and can buy anything they wish, but the famous enjoy being know by the public regardless of their financial constraints.
Most famous people live a very stressful life; this is the reason why they die o drug abuse. Additionally, they do not enjoy their freedom because they are always in public and followed by paparazzi. In the media, famous individuals receive unwanted information; hence, they form the headlines on the negative news. The rich people live a very calm life full of privacy; in fact, most of them live in the midst of normal people are they are not singled out. Moreover, rich individuals rarely attract the media and paparazzi. Therefore, rich people live a peaceful and comfortable lifestyle as compared to the rich (Albazzaz & Birnbaum, 2000).
The social status in the community of both the rich and famous depends on how the society views them. In a more critical analysis, the rich have an added advantage to social status. Social status in society is determined by various factors, which include family, money, and how you relate with other people. Rich people have the advantage because they can choose to be famous and go public in various issues by using money (Taylor & Anderson, 2010). On the other hand, the social status of famous individual only surrounds the public and the young generation. The billionaires and the millionaires are rarely known by the younger generation. In developing nations, famous individual have no money, and in most cases, they have nothing to show for their fame. This is because their fame comes from the public whose per-capita is very low. On a general perspective, it is for a famous individual to climb the social ladder because they have public support (Druten, 2001). The rich can only buy their social status using their money.
Ironically, the future of both famous and rich individuals is not guaranteed. This is because famous and rich people can lose their fame and money at one point in life. There are situations that the wealthy of the rich can be destabilized by the financial crisis, while that of famous individuals affected negatively by media. However, famous people will always remain famous in one way or another. Furthermore, when the rich loses money, they can gain it by using hard work and employing various tactics that led them to success (Druten, 2001).
Social wealth in life are very important; in this case, wealth means been a whole rounded, human being. Bing fame gives you the opportunity to grow fully either socially, psychologically and economically. Interacting with people enables them to gain ideas, knowledge, and experience to be successful. Moreover, the rich live their life alone; the only ultimate thing they enjoy is money (Boyd, 2008). In real life, there are things that money cannot buy, and that why people say the rich also cry. It is optional to either be rich or famous; both statuses in society have its advantages and disadvantages, but the ultimate focus should be the means of achieving it. Perhaps, it is more advantageous to be both famous and rich.
Albazzaz, A & Birnbaum, B. (2000). Lifestyles of the Rich and Almost Famous. Ney Jersey:
Boyd, T. (2008). Young, Black, Rich, and Famous: The Rise of the NBA, and Hip Hop. London:
Clark, G. (2004). Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. California: John Wiley & Sons.
Druten, J. (2001). Rich and Famous. New York Magazine Vol. 14 issue 41.
Taylor, H & Anderson, M. (2010). Sociology: The Essentials: New York: Wadsworth.