The term friendship refers to a close personal relationship between two individuals who share a close affiliation of views and emotions with each other. Friendship, as defined by The American Heritage College Dictionary is "the quality or condition of being friends". The concept and history of the Friendship is as old and diverse as the existence of the people. The friendship changes like all other things of the world, people find a number of people at different junctures of their life and some of them turn into good friends. This paper discusses the concept of friendship and several other related aspects of the friendship.
The meanings and peripheries of friendship are different during the childhood. Children are innocently attached to each other without caring good or bad, rich or poor. It is changed during the school time adolescents make their friends based on several different factors while in adulthood the concept is almost absolutely changed when People become mature, choosy and pragmatic. In adulthood people start considering the value of a person rather than looking for a good friend. Making new friends becomes a bit difficult for an adult in comparison to the previous times when things are not judged on a number of criterions. Apart from this lack of time, busy in own affairs, huge expectations, already attached to a number of people prevent adults from befriending new people .
Friendship enables people to choose the person of their choice and probably this reason makes Friendship one of the strongest bonds of this world. A friend provides you help when you are in need and there are several examples when family deserted but friends helped. A good friend should always be supportive but suggesting a good path and do not let a friend follow a wrong way is the duty of a good friend. There are some salient features like intimacy, trust, mutual caring and sharing, involved in the Friendship which can be sensed by only good and devoted friends. Friendship makes the life easy, happy and beautiful, friends are the most valuable assets that people possess and nothing is as precious as the good friendship.
Friendship is a lot more than common contacts and it has a tendency to grow with time when someone finds a person on the same wave length and its value lies in its qualities that a friend feels for another friend. There are different ways of expressing the friendship in different societies of the world. People at different places have different gestures, verbal and non verbal methods of expressing their feelings towards their friends. What is common in the friendship relations everywhere is the realization of the warmth and joy of having a friend .
After having observed the abovementioned analysis of the friendship, it is good to conclude that friendship is a beautiful feeling that helps the people in living a good joyful life without stress. Friends are there to share the happiness as well as the sorrow of one’s life. Friendship grows but the concept is always youthful, refreshing and people see it as per their own view. This concept has been portrayed by many scholars in their literature as the main theme and a lot has been written on the subject but the concept is as fresh as it was ever.
Works Cited
Block, Joel D. Friendship. Los Angeles: Wellness Institute, Inc., 1980.
Cummins, Robert. Friendship. Canada: Saint Mary's Press, 1971.