Older people have complicated health care demands that make the entire medical service unique. Studies show that more than half of the adult population above the age of sixty-five has more than three medical complications. Some of the medical problems affecting the older people include high blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, as well as arthritis. Geriatrics refers to a special branch of medicine that deals on the health of elderly patients. It is aimed at treating and preventing disability and diseases, as well as ensuring that the general health care of older people is guaranteed (Ebersole & Touhy, 2006). Geriatric medicine is one of the unique approaches to issues of health case that is focused on the demands of older people. Healthcare for adult individuals with various medical problems is tricky for geriatrics professionals. The identification of patients in need of Geriatrics treatments is mainly determined by the symptoms and profile of the patients rather than age.
Geriatric care is very different from another group in various ways. In most society, there is biases on issues of health care, especially to the older people. The older people in the community are ignored and are forced to go through their medical problems on their own. Elderly care is different in the sense that it fulfills the requirement and special needs that are unique to older people. The elderly care in the world varies due to differentiating cultures and how the older people are viewed. Apart from any other group geriatric care deal with specific medical problems that are associated with old age (Ebersole & Touhy, 2006). In fact, geriatric demands proper understanding of various issues in life. Old age comes with various medical problems that demand unique care. Geriatric care demands proper knowledge in psychology, health, family dynamics, as well as human development. The complexity of demands from the older people makes geriatric care unique and different from other groups. The demographics in society is tremendously changing, and the total of older people is increasing; these means that the complexity of geriatric continues to increase. Geriatrics focuses on maximizing the patient functions regardless of the age.
There are specific geriatric services, especially with the nature of elderly demands. Geriatric services address the needs of the older people and focus on health issues. It is worth noting that geriatrics services focus at preventing chronic diseases and disability that is associated with old age (Ebersole & Touhy, 2006). Geriatric entail pharmacist services. Geriatrics pharmacists specialize in counseling older people on medication and dispensing medications. In these cases, the services offered by geriatric pharmacists entail those associated with drugs and other prescribed medications.
The older people are also informed on the side effects of the dispensed medication. Geriatric services incorporate treatment of various diseases that are associated with age. Counseling and advices are also part of geriatric services that older people benefit. The older people are also assisted in making complex decisions related to their medical problems. Other geriatric services include managing and assessing of older people suffering from various medical problems (Ebersole & Touhy, 2006). The management of these services varies from group of older people depending in their medical problem. Geriatric services also entail response to life alerts. A simple fall could be very tragic for an elderly; hence, geriatric service assures elderly help and support in case of a fall or other complications.
In the modern society, the rate of elderly people is rising. These mean that there is an increase of demand on geriatric services. Geriatric services are a unique way to healthcare focused on the needs of the old generation. Recognizing the needs of the older people is essential in society. Geriatric care fulfills the needs of the old people and monitors various medical problems.
Ebersole, P., & Touhy, T. A. (2006). Geriatric Nursing: Growth of a Specialty. New York: Springer Pub. Co.