The age of new technologies makes the world we live and work in more complicated, while continuous social and economic changes increase in complexity of tasks lead to the need for adequate development of management means and methods. Lack of competence in management that some leaders have results in usage of the easiest (not the most efficient) way of interaction with the world, by some pattern, the same as in the past, by technology developed once and for all. However, due to uniqueness of each organization, no manager can improve his business by copying the organizational, technological, and other schemes of the ideal enterprise.
Since the middle of the XX century research in the field of management psychology led to significant achievements, which, however, are used in practice not often enough. This leads to insufficiently competent use of existing enterprise resources, and human resource is usually mastered the most poorly (Hannagan 87).
Let us consider the opportunities for creativity, intellectual and volitional capacity of people working in the organization, and the terms of their manifestation.
In the basis of management there lie two founding rules: receive the desired effect at the lowest cost; get maximum effect by using the given limited resources.
Both rules are implemented, the efficiency of decision-making increases as the leader facilitates initiative of employees and encourages them to express creative ideas, experiences, advice and practical suggestions - initiatives. Employees demonstrating initiative anticipate solutions from leader, not waiting to be told how and what they should do, and giving their view of the situation and offering possible solutions.
The list of conditions that contribute to the manifestation of initiative is the following:
Standardization of innovations algorithm;
Incentive payment system. Personal financial interest;
Awareness of the consequences safety for the employee’s personally (initiative should not be "penalized");
Division of lfunctions and teamwork;
Employee awareness of the public benefit of the work and, consequently, increasing his personal rating in the organization, a sense of self-worth;
Availability of knowledge and authority to implement the initiatives. Trust from management to the professionalism of the employee;
Employee awareness of the objectives sought by the whole team.
Initiative is a strong-willed trait, through which people act creatively. It is an active and adventurous attitude corresponding to the time and conditions, flexibility of actions and behavior of people. Initiative is expressed consciously and intentionally, not under the influence of a natural instinctive impulse. Typically, it is associated with intense physical and spiritual strength of the person who takes it. The opportunities for its display appear when a person has an internal interest in a change for the better. It is leader who is responsible for creating these conditions within the organization (Baker 123). To do that, he needs to take a leadership role and comply with his management responsibilities and functions.
As part of administrative, organizational and discipline-facilitating functions standardization of innovation algorithm can be introduced to regulate the initiative of employees.
It is possible to give employees freedom to act within a specific task, limiting the rigid framework of personal responsibility. Communicative action plan, which is to adhere to is the following:
1. idea is proposed by the employee;
2. his explanation of this idea, including, if possible, the forecast of outcome in the form of calculations in writing;
3. determining the appropriateness and feasibility of the idea and its protection;
4. deciding on timing of the project;
5. definition of personal responsibility of ideologue in case of a negative result;
6. determination of remuneration in case of a positive result.
The use of this scheme results in equal and responsible tandem of "employee-firm" with mutual trust and respect, benefiting everyone and making a profit. Internal investment takes place, when a company invests in the individual project of employee under real guarantees, with a reasonable hope of making a profit (Gilley 46).
In this case initiative of an active employee decreases a little, becoming more reasonable and appropriate, directed by him in the right way. The person doesn’t go into dreams, but instead, concentrates on the goal he himself set. Such an employee can be asked to lead a new direction or to take part in its work. The result will be beneficial to both parties.
For competent human resources management in a company and maximization of benefits at the lowest cost, the manager has to express personal initiative: without ignoring classical management techniques, enrich them with skillful methods of managing people.
Moving to the goal by organizing a creative working environment, taking a step toward the individual abilities and talents of the people, awakening in them hidden personal reserves, encouraging and nurturing the desire to experiment and developing the willingness to take responsibility for the events and results, leader-initiator is the best example for the staff and the sample to follow.
Works Cited
Baker, Tim. 8 Values of Highly Productive Companies: Creating Wealth from a New Employment Relationship. Australian Academic Press, 2009. Print.
Gilley, Jerry W. The Manager as Change Agent: A Practical Guide to Developing High Performance People and Organizations. Basic Books, 2001. Print.
Hannagan, Tim. Management: Concepts & Practices. Pearson Education, 2009. Print.