Question 1
Given the short duration of a semester the student could most easily go along with aNPO executive on several fund development calls
Non-profit organizations are not static bodies but they must move in a fluid constellation that will help the organization to shift its shape and remain focused when the situations demand and it must remain in line with the set goals and visions. The NPO executive ensures that there are adequate funds that will help the non-profit organization to achieve its mission and vision as stated by the organization. This will therefore present the need for the company to come up with ways of fund raising in a sustainable way and the way that this process will be carried out in a timely and orderly manner.
There is a need to train the workforce, the board members, the volunteers’ ways, which will ensure they are comfortable and successful when they will be soliciting for gifts, and in all the responsibilities, they are charged with in donor stewardship. The entire fund raising program must be integrated with the web-based giving and the NPO executive will be required to upgrade the giving received that will come from the corporations and foundations. There is a need for an analysis of how the management of the fund development data will be organized and a statement about the areas that will need improvements. The NPO executive ensures that they undertake pre-campaigns, also referred to as feasibility planning studies that will determine the potential capital campaign success.
It is important also to direct capital and the major gift campaigns for the non-profits organization. The creation of a comprehensive plan to raise funds will integrate the strategic public relations and the marketing activities that will build awareness and press for action on the part of willing individuals and the donors. The executive will upgrade the entire website of the organization and the entire marketing materials since this will reflect and support the fundraising initiatives. Lastly, creation of strategic cultivation, recognition, and stewardship plans will focus on assuring the long-term loyalty from the donors.
The fund development calls must note that fundraising is determined by the good relationships of organization and the people. The fund raising team will be composed of the program staff, the members of the board, and the advisory members and all the managers. People will come up with stories of how the organization is helpful to them and this motivates individuals to sponsor and give some contributions that will help in the daily operations of the non-profit organization. Statistics shows that 88% of the giving comes from individuals, family foundations and bequests, corporation’s raises 4% and foundations gives a contribution of 8%. Therefore, the NPO executive must me very carefully when focusing on the major areas that support their organization.
The development of a fundraising plan is composed of five areas: the individual giving, foundation giving, corporate giving, events and business partnerships. Individual giving will involve a number of activities, every person is asked to give annually. This can be supported by the use of direct mail, personalized letters and sending email-based fund drive that has online donation capacity with a link that states ,” click here to give.” A big percentage of the giving will come from individual and include direct giving, bequests and family foundations. There are also memories and tributes and a set mechanism that will receive the stock contribution. The individual giving is also constituted with the challenge grants (special letters) that are used to meet the challenge for a special program.
The non-profit organization fund raising from foundation giving will come from the community, family, corporates, and special interest groups and from independent bodies. The program officer ensures that the mission and vision of the organization are in line with the funding guidelines. The program officer is the one that offers advice that will determine if funds will be generated from the giving. The size of grants must be determined from the start of organization plans to raise funds. Corporate giving is important as it will give 4% of the total contributions. The corporate workforce also serves as volunteers.
Events are also important in the efforts to raise funds. They include sports, galas, actions, educational, restaurant and plays. The events must be organized as they will bring people together on board and the creation of awareness will be a major factor that will ensure the audience is willing to give funds. The golf tournament and the bowling parties are organized as business fundraising events.
The goal of an ideal fundraising base must provide the non-profit organization with the broadest base for funding. The NPO executive comes up with a mixed and balanced stream of income that is a useful component to realize a stable fund base. The balancing must accommodate individuals, corporations, businesses, grants and contracts. The nonprofit organization must also depend on the small contributors and the large contributors. There is a danger in ignoring the small contributors and concentrating more on large donors. This is because losing one of the large donors will have a serious implication in the operations of the non-profit organization. The fundraising project requires the active participation of all members who must work as a team since unity is strength.
The fund development calls must focus on the operating budget of the non-profit organization. The fundraising plan will target the start of the fiscal year to its end. The beginning requires a statement on the funding goals, the amount needed from funding and the need for the funds. There must be an outline that shows the funds that are needed for the operation of the non-profit organization. The outline will also have the breakdown of both the spending of the organization in the current year that and the previous year. The NPO executive is the ones that controls the operations of the organizations and presides over all the functions of the non-profit organization. They delegate duties to the different departments so that the find raising program will be successful since it failure means that the organization will not run its operations due to lack of funds.
The non-profit organization executive must also look for new sources of funds. First, they will motivate the current donors to escalate their contribution to the organization. The donor group is the first to be considered since it believes in the organization goals, mission and vision and understands the importance of the institution to the community at large. For them to be convinced to increase their donations, there must be reminded that the need of the organization exists and this will create a booming confidence to the project. The small donors are also respected and are motivated to increase their donation as they review how the community benefits from the non-profit organization. The NPO executive will also concentrate on attracting new contributors in the fundraising. The mission and the vision are used as the guide to win the support of a new category of donors. The funds will assist to expand the existing program and also be support to the newly implemented programs.
Briefly, the NPO executive, which consists of the board and the senior staff, are the one who determines whether the fundraising project is well implemented. The NPO executive ensures that there are adequate funds that will help the non-profit organization to achieve its mission and vision as stated by the organization. The executive will upgrade the entire website of the organization and the entire marketing materials since this will reflect and support the fundraising initiatives. The NPO executive is the ones that controls the operations of the organizations and presides over all the functions of the non-profit organization. The operations of the non-profit organization are supported by the funds that are generated from donors.
Drucker, Peter F. (1990).Managing the Non-Profit Organization.Harper Business.