Who is Jesus Christ? What has he done to enable salvation from sin? What is the meaning and significance of what he has done?
Jesus is the son of God who had been sent to earth by God to redeem people. Jesus Christ was also sent on earth to demonstrate a perfect example of living a sinless life and trusting God in all that one does. Jesus Christ became the crucified sheep in that he died for people’s sins so that they can achieve redemption. This shows that Jesus was in spirit and not fresh because he resurrected on the third day. Jesus conducted this act to save human kind from sin. This is because God reflects all good qualities and virtues such as love, righteousness, and many more. Through selfless love, Jesus died on the cross for our sins. This is significant to many Christians as it demonstrates that human kind has a way of living a righteous life to escape the wrath and judgment of God once they die. Jesus had come to fulfil the prophecy and save the human race from sin. Jesus sacrifice points out the idea of being cleansed off our sins and his resurrection symbolizes an act of rebirth and free of all sins.
The gospels record the death and resurrection of Jesus to symbolize that God was Jesus in flesh and that they were one. It also represented that God can be both human and in spirit. This is relevant to Christians as they are supposed to reflect Godly qualities at all time in that God is defined as omnipresent and omniscient. God watches over his people at all times, which means one has to strive in doing good so as not to face judgment on the last day.
What is salvation? Look at this concept both in a narrow and a broader perspective?
Salvation is the act of being redeem or reborn from a past life that was full of sinful acts to living in a present life that mirrors good qualities according to the biblical texts. The form of rebirth or new life, one is taken under God’s wings where he shield one from evil forces. However, it is a personal regimen to resist the worldly evil forces that may deviate one from doing Godly things. Through salvation, one can be confident to living for eternity as written in the book of Revelation by trust God as the Father, Jesus as the Lord, and the Holy Spirit as the divine teacher.
Salvation is a personal and individualistic road that strengthens one’s relationship with God. The Bible helps in shaping and curving one’s life so as to stay on the right path that is not satanic. It is clear from the Bible that God defeated all evil forces and that through his guidance and blessings, all things are possible. Jesus had authority in his ministry in that no satanic forces could dismantle his way. As a result, one can conclude that having a relationship with God through prayers and demonstrating good, one can acquire salvation. Salvation is reflected by one’s way of life and in the end one triumphs through God’s help. This is reflected in Jesus’ ministry where he defeated the big principals who were against him and his teachings. Though Jesus was mimicked by the people he had come to save, he forgave them all on the cross as he believed that the people did not know what they were doing. Through Jesus death, God cancelled all our sins as Jesus blood redeemed our souls. This was God’s gift to the human race to demonstrate selfless love and redemption of the people.