Proposal Discussion Part 2
I would begin by applauding you for undertaking such a noble cause that will reduce the amount of garbage in your community and promote environmentally-friendly living. The area in which you have decided to implement the project, i.e. Bozeman, Montana is very ideal because many there is a wider population that are likely to undertake and participate in the project. The presence of visitors is also likely to disperse the idea to other places in the state and possibly the nation.
The budget may not be sufficient since you intend to undertake the project in a somewhat populated region. You should consider increasing the number of re-usable canvas bags. It would therefore be prudent to source for other funds. This project is also very engaging and would thus require ample time for it to successful. As you intend to engage the community, you should target events that bring the community together e.g. social-hall gatherings. It would also be important to highlight to the community why they should shift towards the use of canvas bags in spite of them being expensive. Perhaps, outline certain incentives that will be accrued to them.
Since this project is going to take more than one year, it may prove prudent to take short courses on sustainability and project management. Having a qualified project leader may be a wise idea, but it would be even wiser to have some background knowledge that will enable you to steer the project in your desired direction. I would also think increasing the timeframe to train volunteers from the current three months to four months. One can view this project as a way for craft beer brewers to market themselves. Consider increasing the number of participating breweries, who will further sponsor your budget funds.
Undertaking this beautification project will be subject to OSU administration approval. Ensure that you liaise with the administration to get a go-ahead on the project. It is a bold project that will require a lot of time and dedication. It would also be important to assign a particular person to manage the permaculture centre. This person can be paid from the proceeds of tourists who visit the centre. I think it would be prudent for your budget to capture this i.e. expected revenues from tourists and expected expenses. Your timeline is very detailed and descriptive which is very commendable. I however think the activities are much squeezed e.g. it may not be realistic to install a pond in 2 hours. I suggest increasing the duration of certain activities.
This is brilliant, Cameron. According to Godschalk and Malizia (13), the idea of using already existing structures, policies and processes is the heart of sustainability and it is very commendable that your project captures this aspect. This construction project, like every other project needs to be inspected to ensure that it is up to standard (Godschalk and Malizia, 54). Your project will therefore depend on the approval of the authorities. To proceed with it, ensure that it is up to standards. Also give a more detailed account of events on your timeline. It is currently vague.
Work Cited
Godschalk, David R and Emil E Malizia. Sustainable Development Projects. 2014. Print.