Question 1
Who can be a member of the International Chamber of Commerce? Give three examples of current members.
An eligible candidate for ICC membership are national and local organizations which represent business and professional interests of their members and which are not conducted primarily for political purposes. Corporations, companies, firm, other legal entities as well as individuals involved in international business activities can also be a member of ICC upon the proposal of the Executive Board. The current members of ICC are Canon, Ebay and General Electric.
Question 2
What are the four roles of the International Chamber of Commerce?
The International Chamber of Commerce acts:
a. To determine the outlooks of corporations, companies, organizations, firms and individuals engaged in international trade and related business operations and tell their views to the relevant intergovernmental institutions in their respective countries;
b. To guarantee effective and reliable action in the economic and authorized fields in order to contribute to the growth and the independence of international commerce;
c. To offer convenient and professional services to the international business community and ;
d. To promote efficient rapprochement and assistance among business personnel in various countries and among the organizations that connect them together.
Question 3
The Anti-Corruption Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce intervened with Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and Organization of American States (OAS) to fight corruption and bribery.
International Chamber of Commerce (
Constitution of the International Chamber of Commerce (