With the tremendous industrial revolution, liberalization and communalism has emerged to be key issues of concern in the political, economical and social arena. Liberalization ideology is viewed as practical strategy for a free society from any interferences and restrictions. It has promulgated a great yard stick for the progress of the capitalism as it provided justifications for the trend. Contrary communism ideology is a political stand that calls for all human welfare equality in the society. It suggests mass development of all the stakeholders of a social background. In this protocol, all the political, social and economic status is shared unlike in liberalization which is channel of free initiative.
The two principles have over decades created “the big man “principle, with authorization regime on change using the weak dominance arguments without an equilibrium zone. Therefore internal democracy is viewed as the only hope for social, cultural and political transition.
In the middle of century, that is about 17th century, modern liberalization in America had already emerged out of egalitarian aspects; to stand for the division of government powers, religious liberty and freedom of thought and speech. This led to the development of a stable constitution that was able to adjudicate for the people’s right and freedoms.
The modern liberalism has provided the embracing countries with stable democratic stands in politics that seams viable and stronger for the human development. Other transformations such as tight security and education have also been achieved.
In 2005, in pursuit of democracy, communist strikingly and paradoxically led to the regimes of democratic liberalization in Latin America and Africa, “communist legacy” a credential that led to the freedom of the press and improved political influence. Examples are Venezuela, Chile in Latin America and South Africa, Benin, Senegal in Africa.
Democratic liberalization is viewed as the best form of societal organization and regarded to embrace by majority of the states in pursuit of the democracy and development. It is reasonable tool for the political powers to fully protect their untrimmed markets from external revenges’ who view them as communist, this is because social democracy brought by liberalization always results to an in-depth analysis as shown in the European politics in the past and tentatively in the future.
Members of an underground communist organization can coordinates to fully lead the revolution of governance such as autocratic. The fall of such regime may result to positive constitution a amendment phase that leads to democracy. This is basically observed on Lenin revolution ideology and Czars tyranny of the Tsar and Lenine equilibrium behavior. Modern scholars have often have failed to identify and appreciate the value of liberal democracy, this portrays them as socialist without elements for revolution. The movement of solidarity also portrays them as apolitical operation, a concept of great misunderstandings.
Acemoglu and Robinson in the year 2000 presented a model portraying Communist can a as a threat to revolution. They argue that communist will fully redistribute the resources equally to the members of the society i.e. democratize them and this will induce the autocratic democrats to become massive in war and protest to prevent such democratic transitions. The idea could be observed in the incidence of the World War II .
The world globalizing calls for government move to successfully build enough foundation on both positive aspects of liberalization and communist that will substantively recognize and manage the vast demography, social status and economical markets.
Antonio Cabrales, Antonio Calvo-Armengol, & Wentchekon, L. (2006). Liberal democracy as a Result of an "Aborted " Communist Revolution. Gitafe (Spain): University of Carlos III de Madrid.
Frank Tripton, & Aldrich, R. (1987). Economic and Social Hitory of Europe from 1939 to Present . New York: Johns Hopskins University Press.
Ruggie, J. G. (1982). International Regiem Transaction and Change:" Embended Liberalisation in Post War Economic Order". Spring.