Mutations are unavoidable in human reproduction. In human development, only a few mutations are beneficial. Mutation is determined by the conditions in which a given human is living. In most instances, mutations are believed to improve human survival rates. Environment plays a major role in the elimination of deleterious mutations in the human sphere.
The next mutation in human may be an aquatic man or the ‘superion.' The 'aquatic' man will replace the normal man and will be specifically designed to live in the waters. The main difference between the 'aquatic' man and normal human being is that his environment will be just under water. It is feeding habit will be similar to the 'aquatic' life though it will still maintain the omnivore characteristics. The skin of the 'aquatic' man will act as a breathing organ.
Initially, the Neanderthals lived between twenty thousand and thirty years ago. The Neanderthal died off after the ice in southern Europe forced it to migrate. In addition, it is believed that Homo sapiens existed in about one hundred years ago. Homo sapiens were devastated by the Neanderthals who lived in the small colonies in Europe. Currently, due to technology the Homo sapiens will be replaced by the ‘superion.' ‘Superion’ exists as different species ranging from 'aquatic' man, Olympic star, brain or the spaceman.
Technology has enabled its development from the Homo sapiens to its current adoption. Homo sapiens have of late inhabited all the space in the universe. Though, to some extent they have found to be improperly made and structured. These have made the Homo sapiens to live only in one continent that is the earth. Atmospheres in the other different planets are not conducive for Homo sapiens survival due to changes in gravity levels. As a result, technological advancement has enabled high tech mutations that that creates new species of the Homo sapiens.
The superior can now cope with any environment that seemed hostile to the Homo sapiens. As an advantage to the new mutation on the human species, it will have the ability to live in both the earth and the outer space. The mutant will be immeasurably better to human regarding longevity and brain function. In addition, the ‘superion’ has better organs replacing what the current human have for breathing and survival. No environment will be challenging to the ‘superion’ as it will adapt to each and every environment it finds itself situated.
The ‘superion’ character behaviors are influenced by cultural changes. Human have believed in the upcoming technology than they believe in themselves. Change in the traditional culture of man believes for their self has prompted man to investigate and learn more to prove the evolution theory vague. In addition, the culture of application of genetic engineering in mutation has prompted the varying characters in the species due to the errors originating. The characters of the ‘superion’ will be there and will eventually replace the normal human beings as the research indicates that gene banks for sperms and eggs for better reproduction are available throughout the year in high amounts and at will. Mankind has adopted the culture of exploring and learning beyond his limits. The urge to get a brainier, high brainpower and a jack of environment seems to be an achievement for a man without the knowledge of displacement underway.
According to a study conducted, 'superior' can live in any environment. They have super organs that can adapt to different climatic conditions and locations. They have ability to live in space without any challenges of either the gravity or the atmosphere, in such as case the ‘superion’ will be described as the spaceman. The mutations that will be capable of living a super life live in space and life in the earth planet. In addition, the ‘superion’ is also believed to have the ability to live in 'aquatic' environments. It has in it the ability to use its super organs in survival in the 'aquatic' environment. The ‘superion’ that will be capable of living in 'aquatic' fields will be described as the 'aquatic' man, he will be capable of feed, breathe and live in the 'aquatic' environment. Lastly, the ‘superion’ will have an amplified longevity in each environment as compared to the Homo sapiens. It will have more brain power, and this will enable it in exploring and utilizing the available opportunities in the environment it will be living.