Personal Ethics Development Exercise.
Spiritual Well Being – I have to learn how to interact with the people, attend spiritual nourishment functions and maintain a close personal relationship with God. This will allow me to prosper.
Mental Well-Being - discussing my feelings with people I trust during moments of emotional strain will relax my mental state. Additionally, my role encompasses establishing and maintaining a good relationship with people around me.
Physical Well Being- Take care of my body. That is through, getting enough sleep, having enough rest, healthy nutrition, avoiding drugs, and undertaking exercises to keep fit.
Relationships/Family – having close ties with friends, good contact with the family.
Education/Career – to grow in this area, I will need to acquire advice from career advisors, input efforts in my academics and ensure I interact with people who embody similar professional development ambitions.
Finances/Stewardship – maintaining high levels of financial prudence.
Service/Philanthropy – engaging in charity works and helping the needy.
Who do I desire to become as an organizational leader?
I would like to have sound management skills, high aspiration levels and exhibit good governance.
What do I desire for the members of my organization?
Be hardworking, cooperative, self-discipline and results oriented.
How would I like to serve as an agent of change in my professional role?
Serving with dedication, in an honest manner and under moderate supervision.
Draft one:
My mission is to live a life full of integrity, positivism and in a way that supports others to achieve their goals. My happiness in other people’s happiness.
Draft two:
I want to embrace God in my soul and practice a life which magnifies his Glory.
Draft three:
It is my mission to live a happy life while also making others happy. I will perform this by working in a way that facilitates achievement of my ambitions.
Personal Life Balance Goals
Find the right balance between personal time and family time
Assess the current state of balance in my life
Concentrate on how I can successfully manage my personal life, professional life and leisure.
Professional Life Balance Goals
Strive to add my education levels to MBA level
Seek advice from my director and co-workers on the best institution to enroll.
Ensure I succeed adequately to achieve promotion at my workplace in future
Living a happy life which not only pleases my family but also my co-workers. My dedication to success will boost my ambitions and propel me to higher grounds. It is my mission to succeed as a person and help others to succeed too.
Leadership: it is the ability to lead others by example and by actions. Putting energy in things that matter.
Ethics: It is the set guidelines which helps a person behave in the right manner.
Character: Is the combination of actions which depicts personal identity.
Service: Doing things which are of help to others and which offers maximum benefit.