Patriotism and cosmopolitanism is a topic that has attracted debate on which should be emphasized. This has been considered more so looking at the American history and what the students are taught in school. Patriotism requires students to pledge allegiance to their nation and even their ethnic communities. Cosmopolitanism on the other hand requires them to have w wider view of themselves. Their identity should not just be based on their nation or community of origin but as citizens of the world. Having such a view may not only be impossible but also come with certain challenges. In as much as it is beneficial to look at oneself as a world citizen, a person cannot separate themselves from the fact that they belong to a certain community. This is the basis on which they are found. The community becomes their foundation and the world becomes the pillars. In this analysis, we look at the views of three authors Nussbaum, Scott and Satrapi and consider how their views are likely to impart on the society.
Nussbaum argument is based on the fact that most people and especially in the American and Indian community respect the values of their communities first before they embrace world ideologies. They believe they are more responsible to their culture and cultural values rather than to the world or any larger community. Nussbaum looks at it in a kind of pledging loyalty which may be transformed to selfishness especially on nations such as the united states which feel they are more self sufficient than other countries (Greene& Lidinsky, 679). This has basically held them back from getting to know about other countries. It is rather ironic that other nations of the world are more concerned about the American history compared to how Americans are concerned about the history of other nations. This self-centeredness has also hindered Americans from seeking opportunities in other places and decided to spend the rest of their lives in their own country.
Scott agrees with Nussbaum argument that the American community is ignorant of what is happening in the rest of the world. All this begins in school where the students are not taught to be world citizens but American citizens. The American culture and community has been displayed in a superior manner which the teachers contribute by advocating for the same. It therefore happens that students grow knowing that there is no better society or culture than American. Teachers and even parents never realize what they plant within their students and children by displaying America as the best country ever. They grow up with such an attitude and therefore never getting to believe that they can be comfortable somewhere else. The fact however is that as they advance in life, some of them will be forced to seek for opportunities elsewhere and be made to live in different environments. Unless their minds are cleared and made to appreciate such cultures, it may be quite challenging for them to adopt.
Satrapi looks at patriotism as a form of protections rather than selfishness. This is mainly because of the strong attachment that people have towards their communities. It so happens that one may not feel safe amidst people of different ideas and backgrounds as much as they will feel among their own people. This is simply because people will interact with others from external communities mainly for certain purposes. For instance, United States will only be attracted to a foreign country once they realize the benefits there in. this implies that such relations are either symbiotic or exploitative. This also explains one of the main reasons why many nations in need of the American support would rather remain conservative of their culture than allow foreign influence. It is therefore quite difficult for a person to have a world citizen mentality unless they realize how the same will benefit them. For the American average citizen, they may not be concerned about other nations as they feel they have more than they need and any external relationships are favors extended to them.
Patriotism is one fundamental issue required for every citizen. This is basically because unless one appreciates where they are coming from, they may not quite well understand where they are going. If children are made to understand the importance of their background, they will also appreciate what they are likely to encounter in future (Greene& Lidinsky, 675). The worst mistake made by other parents and teachers is how they display their societies compared to others. For instance, the American children are told that the American culture is the best in the world; this hence closes their minds towards any other foreign culture where they will not value or respect it. If cosmopolitanism has to work, the it has to begin with the American parents and teachers. they need to integrate lessons that tell them more about foreign culture in a positive rather than a negative way. This will help then appreciate the fact that there is something they can learn and appreciate from other nations. The American system should shift from simply telling children about financial and war issues faced by other nations and tell them more about the resources they managed to get from them. They should tell them more about the beautiful culture of other people and other environmental benefits. This will help in shaping their attitude and hence making them know that there is something special they can derive y interacting with other nations.
Patriotism and cosmopolitanism are principles that can be adopted and well balanced in the society. It is possible for one to be patriotic and at the same time have that a cosmopolitan mind. The fact is, everyone originated from somewhere, which was not a choice but nature. Telling people to grow up having a cosmopolitan mind rather than patriotism is making them loose their identity. In as much as nations of the world cannot do without each other, it has to be agreed that the world is composed of different units, which are necessary for administrative reasons (Greene& Lidinsky, 681). The world can only be managed when there is unity in different nations. This is mainly the reason why conflict within a particular nation or among few nations will affect the world. World peace therefore has to begin with patriotism and the same will be translated to cosmopolitanism. The most important thing is to groom up our children in a patriotic and cosmopolitan way, this implies that they should understand their background and community and also appreciate the fact that they will encounter people from totally different backgrounds and communities. With their in mind, they should not look at themselves as more superior to others but desire to have a mind that is ready to learn and interact.
Works cited
Greene, Stuart & Lidinsky, April. From Inquiry to Academic Writing: A Text and Reader. New
York: Bedford Books, 2011.