My personality blend test landed me on the C/S/D that is having more of C- traits that is cautious, competent and careful, less of S-traits which is supportive, steady and stable and finally having lesser of D- traits that is dominant, driving and doer. It also means that I do lack the I- traits of inspiring, interesting and being interactive. This therefore, defines my personality blend to be a more reserved, task-oriented individual having a desire for consistency and value. The less S- traits mean that I bother less on socializing and associating with others. The lesser D- traits mean that I consider achieving goals as first as possible by being always on the bottom line.
The advantage of knowing and being able to clearly define personality blend is to understand personal weaknesses and strength. It is therefore, important in pursuant of improving my personality to emphasize more on the traits that you are weaker at starting with the D- type straits. I can lay strategies to achieve goals by dominating my personal actions. While maintaining my stronger traits I can also improve on my S- type straits and also the I- type straits by factoring them into my personal daily activities.
It is easy for humans to totalize or stereotype other people based on knowledge of any small magnitude they might be having about others. Totalize is an act of an individual to assume that one aspect of an individual defines the general character of that person. Totalizing leads to positioning of a person into a defined category based on a single characteristic of that individual. Sticking to an aspect of a person as definition of whole gives a jaded outlook of the reality of such a person. This generalization is dangerous in that it gives a biased and usually a negative connotation of who really the person under a totality. While aspiring to improve my personality it is important to take into account that human behavior is defined by the DISC traits.
Listening is a guiding principle to realizing reality. It is not about just hearing what others are saying it's more about understands what they are trying or what they actually mean. Failure to listen to others has always been a conflict generating activity. It is ease for a friendly communication to turn to chaos and conflict. If every individual in their act of sharing thoughts would learn to listen, which with current technology is a forgotten skill then we will live a peaceful life. Bias perceptions will be eliminated from our actions by power of listening (Stewart, 1999).
Perception is the faculty or the act of apprehending by use of the mind or of the senses. Every individual do conceptualize and interpret his or her surrounding environment. Depending on self-understanding and personality, every individual easily falls a victim of arriving at conclusions based on perception. At times, this perception leads to totalizing or stereotyping against what we take into faith as truth. It is of great wisdom to diverge from blanket contamination and look at things as they are and not as they appear without coming to the conclusion.
Empathic and Dialogic Listening
Emphatic listening is critical in situations of relationship building communication to first understand and maybe to be understood. Active listening is a tool for acquiring understanding. While seeking for a good relationship it is important to understand the language of the heart. These are interpersonal skills and are important in that listening actively and responding with emphatic language is key to relationship building (Burley-Allen, 2007). To achieve this I need improve on my S- traits which are concerned with socialization by trying as much as possible to get involved and share ideas with others.
There is power in listening despite the current advances in technology that try to undermine the need to still stop and listen to others with the quest for understanding what they mean in their communication. Understanding the power of listening and how it involves cooperation of people. The important and key approach to improvement of personality is getting to know how to work with our own personal traits opposite to controlling others.
Burley-Allen, M., & Recorded Books, Inc (2007). Listening: The forgotten skill. Prince Frederick, MD: Recorded Books. P.348.
Stewart, J. (1999). Bridges not walls a book about interpersonal communication. Boston: McGraw Hill College. P.224-360.