Poverty has a major effect in the lives of millions of people throughout the world. In the United States, the rise of unemployment rate caused 46 million Americans to live in poverty. In the Middle East, revolution began due to unavailable jobs and high rate of poverty. Why does poverty exist? What is the cause of this great suffering? Is it enough to accuse the poor of causing their own suffering due to their limited concern for the future? They feel hopeless and powerless believing that nothing can be done to change their economic status so they submit themselves to a life of poverty. Leading their life in self-defeat is a behavior that was rooted from the physical, social and emotional impacts of their suffering which was passed on from one generation to the next. Why do rich and powerful countries such as the United States, United Kingdom and the Middle East experienced poverty despite of their enormous amount of money and resources? In my analysis, poverty is a social sickness that deals with inequality on human relationship. The poor distribution of wealth among citizens implicates unfair human treatment. I believe that to fight poverty, a nation should build a society that fosters unity among citizens to act together for a common goal and provide resources to develop their skills that make the best use of their potential. By showing their potential, the poor can participate in the growth of the society making them feel more confident, proud, powerful and full of hopes for the future.
Keywords: poverty, suffering, inferiority, inequality
Poverty is a continuing global suffering with many dimensions which not only cause insufficiency of basic needs due to lack of resources but also brings high mortality rates, illiteracy and crime. The effects of poverty on physical, social and emotional well-being of individuals can be very distressing. When poverty comes in, children are the first ones to suffer. Children who grew up from poverty-stricken families are more likely to suffer severe illnesses and diseases. Stress can damage brains and lessen their working memory and ability to learn. Since proper education is the vital road out of poverty, the lack of it hinders success. The absence of material well-being causes hunger and malnutrition that could affect the child’s mental development and healthy body
In desperation to survive poverty, people are exposed to crimes, domestic violence and alcohol or drug addiction. To provide their basic needs, girls may resort to prostitution and boys may engage in selling illegal drugs. Poor families are under tremendous stress which is associated with domestic violence that could lead to children and elder abuse. Children may be forced to work at an early age depriving them of proper education. For some people, poverty has left them hungry and homeless. Poor people are treated unfairly from those who are financially well off. To have a sense of belonging, teenagers would join gangs that would more likely engage in unsafe sexual behavior which could result to teenage pregnancy and unlawful acts or outrage that could land them in jail. Discrimination and social isolation drives them to be more daring and reckless in handling stressful situation. The stigma of poverty destroys the spirit leading people in self-defeat and social withdrawal. This feeling of loneliness and low self-esteem can cause depression and anxiety.
For children, the impact of childhood troubles due to poverty has adverse effects on their behavior. Psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, negative self-esteem and inability to control anger are more likely to develop as they grow up. Due to lack of resources to cope with difficulties and problems, people are vulnerable to mood disorders and even psychosis. The stress of poverty could drive people crazy and may sometimes turn them into suicidal maniacs.
The physical, social and emotional impact of poverty sums up to affect people’s health and well-being making it more difficult for them to get out of extreme poverty.
Causes & Effects of Poverty on Society, Children & Violence.
Poverties.Org. Retrieved from
Hall, S, (April 10, 2009). Poverty can physically impair brain, reducing
children’s ability to learn. Phys.Org. Retrieved from
Shah, A, (January 07, 2013). Causes of Poverty. Global Issues.
Retrieved from http://www.globalissues.org/issue/2/causes-of-poverty