Chasing Ice is a documentary directed by Jeff Orlowski and written by Mark Monroe. The main character in the movie is James Balog.He is a heroic journalist who has the zeal and determination to bring hopefulness about our carbon-powered planet. The documentary involves a tale by James's objective to change the tide of history by collecting undoubtable evidence of our changing world. Balog achieves this by using high-resolution cameras to take snapshots of the world's changing glacier. The paper will address the main arguments in Chasing Ice documentary and their recommendations.
The arguments in the film Chasing Ice is about the climate change. The director has provided an insight on how the global warming has caused the melting of glacier, and to a great magnitude, climate change has been caused by the human activities. The impact of unusual calving of glacier has been portrayed as the main impact on the global climatic change.
The documentary through the main actor, Balog highlights a number of arguments to the audience. The changing of the shape and size of the historic landscapes is one of the main themes in the documentary. The images in the movie depict an undeniable story that no one can disagree.Balog through his high-resolution cameras can capture the ancient mountains filled with ice in motion as they evaporate at a rapid rate.
The movie also helps to address the concept of global warming that affects the globe. The film tells the story of James, who went through and his time lapses. The film shows snapshots of glaciers that are large ion size. They are the primary victims of climate change. James has captured if not hundred, thousands of glacier photographs to address the issue of global warming affecting the world. These glaciers are seen to melt from the videos taken. The movie helps to address the concept of glacial melting through the main actor, Balog. The movie would have been passed the message well if disbelievers had an opportunity to voice their opinions. The film forecasted the opposition and provided charts that proved changes in glaciers and could not be clarified by natural causes. The film has also pinpointed that the scientist and political have failed to show people the urgency of counteracting the changing climate. The melting of ice has caused the raise of sea level threatening people near the sea and the aquatic life. The scientists has failed because it is evident from the film that disappearance of the physical feature of glaciers, and how are melting into the sea uncontrollably.
The melting of glacier as shown in the film is directly related to the effects of the human activities, thus implicating human as the primary perpetrators. Various studies have indicates the main factor leading to the glacier melting at a faster rate is the increasing global warming. The global warming is caused by the human activities that result to emissions of greenhouses. Therefore in order to mitigate the problem of the glacier melting in the future, there is a need to control the human activities that results to global warming. However, it might take a long period of time to reach the targeted goal of reducing glacier melting. Activities of interest that need to be eliminated include transportation, electrical production, industrial emissions, residential and commercial, agriculture, and forestry and land use.
In order to increase the effectiveness of the scientist in regulating the effects of climatic changes, various measures need to be addressed. For instance, scientist have been using complicated and sophisticated terms to explain their analysis on the climatically change. In addition, the media has distorted the meaning of the information gathered by the scientist making the interpretation of the information difficult and sometimes misleading. Therefore, there is need to ensure that scientist are using simple and self-explanatory terms to explain their findings. This can help the audience to have better understanding of the concepts that involves climatic change and global warming.
The issue of global warming should be made one of the important and necessary political agendas. The political involvement in the topic of climatic change has a substantial effect on curbing this global disaster. It is evident that there is a strong and urgent urge for the political actions and will that can help to change the face of deteriorating climate change. The issues of global warming should be non-partisan issues since everybody is affected by these issues. Therefore, government and global political superpowers need to formulate regulations that reduce the gas emission and other factors affecting climatic change. Heavy penalties should be imposed on the individuals or organizations that violate such regulations. In addition, the voting rights should be exercised to enhance that the elected political leaders has the right dose of regulating the climate change.
The issue of continuous change of size and shape of the historic landscapes can be solved through the partnering with organizations. These organizations are crucial to change the people's perception towards climate change. The organizations will come up with community-based programs that include planting of trees and rewarding people who have made an impact in reducing global change.